Fast Forward: The University of Rochester Advancement E-Newsletter

August 31, 2010

Make a Gift

Values and Action

Jim Thompson

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
John Quincy Adams

Leaders and inspired supporters have been essential to every successful movement in history. We see this reflected in the University of Rochester’s rise to greatness. Our own leaders and exemplars have consistently shown us the way. Thankfully, increasing numbers of dedicated supporters are emerging to shape our future. They are taking leadership roles through the Board of Trustees, George Eastman Circle, National Councils, Regional Cabinets, school and unit advisory boards and across campus.

Our volunteers were essential to the triumph of the 2010 annual giving program. We have the fastest growing annual giving over the last five years compared to any peer institution we can identify. This simply could not have been achieved without the visionaries, leaders and role models in our community. They are now moving to the forefront again with special Reunion challenges and an all-important commitment to the endowment.

I offer my deepest appreciation to Robert Goergen ’60; Gwen Greene ’65 and Tom Sloan ’65, ’67 (MS); and Larry Bloch ’75 and Nathan Moser ’75. Their Reunion involvement and generosity will help make Meliora Weekend 2010 an event chronicled in our history. I also want to thank Marty E. Messinger ’49 and his family for their thoughtful and generous endowment gifts. They have strengthened the University through their recent contributions to the Messinger Library Recognition Award, Judaic Studies and the Debate Union. Endowment support provides a permanent level of funding that ensures generational continuity. These wonderful exemplars are showing all of us the path forward. It is our honor and joy to follow.

We are about to enter a new academic year at the University of Rochester. I look forward to more achievements that further accelerate our progress, working in collaboration as part of a growing and inspired coalition. We must take our places as part of the legacy of leadership that built the University of Rochester and is now essential to moving it forward. It is our responsibility to fulfill the promise of our motto: Meliora!

James D. Thompson
Senior Vice President
Chief Advancement Officer



The 50th Reunion Class Takes the Goergen Challenge

Members of the Class of 1960, whose 50th Reunion will be celebrated at Meliora Weekend 2010, are responding with enthusiasm to Robert B. Goergen’s generous offer to match their class gifts up to $2 million. Class members are also working together to organize events and activities that will make this a Reunion to be remembered. Their efforts ensure the University of Rochester’s future will be as proud as its past:

Reunion Giving chart• 125 classmates are planning to attend.

• 160 classmates have submitted information to the Memory Book.

• Two anonymous donors celebrating their 50th have committed to covering the costs of all classmates and a guest who will attend the Reunion Dinner.

• One classmate whose giving total since graduation was $125 has made a gift of $10,000.

• 36 volunteers have helped with planning and gift efforts. Leading by example, Class Gift Chair T.C. Lewis has generously committed to a three-part gift and taken an active role in classmate outreach.

The Goergen Challenge matches all contributions to the 50th Reunion Class Gift dollar-for-dollar. Class members can multiply the power of their philanthropy further through bequest-life income giving and by becoming Sustaining Members of the George Eastman Circle or upgrading their current membership status. The chart above shows the progress of the Goergen Challenge.

Click here to read more about the Robert B. Goergen Challenge.

Messinger Family Endowment Gifts Provide Generational Continuity

National Councils

Permanent Funding through the Endowment

Gifts to the endowment support the institution today, tomorrow and far into the future, providing a source of permanent funding. By supporting the endowment as well as making annual and one-time gifts to areas of interest, alumni, parents and friends of the University help ensure generational continuity.

Continuing a philanthropic legacy at the University of Rochester spanning more than four decades, Martin “Marty” E. Messinger ’49 and his family have given an additional $1.3 million to establish three endowed funds. The gift provides continuing and future support for:

The Messinger Library Recognition Award. This gift builds upon a family tradition of increasing excellence at Rush Rhees Library. Their consistent giving in this area has funded the elegant renovation and restoration of the building’s historic reading rooms. The new Messinger Library Recognition Award Endowment provides further support for an award Marty established in 2007 that honors outstanding staff members.

The Judaic Studies Program. The Messingers have provided generous funding to the Center for Jewish Studies, which ­­— in addition to enriching academics and campus life — produces publications and offers lectures and fellowships. The Center also offers opportunities for internships, intellectual collaboration and international partnerships.

Student Debate Union. Established in 1850, the undergraduate debate team (known today as the Debate Union) is one of the largest among colleges and universities. In recent years, the team has earned top national rankings and expanded its presence on the River Campus. Marty was a team member as a student and has been a faithful supporter for many years.

In describing his family’s philanthropic legacy, Marty said, “We are fortunate as a family that we have earned the ability to assist institutions and individuals. Our children continue our family faith and tradition and have earned leadership responsibility. We hope it will be continued in future generations.”

Click here to read more about the Messinger family’s recent gifts and their legacy at the University of Rochester.

The Golisano Foundation Partners with the University of Rochester to Serve the Community and Region

Golisano logoThe Golisano Foundation has awarded a nearly $1 million grant to the Institute for Innovative Transition at the University of Rochester. This contribution enables the facility to continue and expand its work to improve outcomes and experiences for students and young adults with developmental disabilities as they shift from schools to the adult world.
The Institute for Innovative Transition, founded in 2008 with an initial two-year grant from the Golisano Foundation, is a partnership of the Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities, the Warner Graduate School of Education and the Golisano Foundation. The funds are being used to coordinate three job training sites at the University of Rochester Medical Center, the City of Rochester, and Wegmans. The Institute will also train adult service providers and teachers, work with state agencies on transition policy improvements and expand its online offerings in order to improve its services, among other efforts.
Click here to learn more about the Golisano Foundation’s giving to the Institute for Innovative Transition.

Major Support from M&T Bank Will Enhance Memorial Art Gallery Rental Space

EIOH picture

Thanks to support from M&T Bank, the Memorial Art Gallery installed air conditioning this summer in one of its prime rental spaces.

Known since 2003 as the M&T Bank Ballroom, this historic venue was built in the 1930s and features oak paneling, stained glass windows, a vaulted ceiling and a balcony with seating. It can accommodate 350 guests for receptions and 225 for sit-down dinners. Until now, the ballroom was used only from mid-September to mid-June, making it unavailable for the lucrative summer wedding trade. Construction began in July and is expected to be completed next month.

M&T Bank’s gift of $100,000 is just the latest in its growing legacy of consistent giving to the Gallery. For 17 years, the bank has also been presenting sponsor of the annual Clothesline Festival, the Memorial Art Gallery’s largest fundraiser. M&T also provided support for such major exhibitions as Edgar Degas: Figures in Motion, Georgia O’Keeffe: Color and Conservation and American Impressionism: Paintings from the Phillips Collection.

Click here to learn more about the M&T Bank Ballroom at the Memorial Art Gallery.

Click here to learn more about the 2010 Clothesline Festival sponsored by M&T Bank at the Memorial Art Gallery.

Fast Forward Archive

July 30, 2010
June 25, 2010
March 11, 2010
December 31, 2009