Chloe Couderc

Research Technician, Gorbunova/Seluanov Lab

What is your current role in the biology department?

In my current role, I serve as a laboratory assistant in the Gorbunova lab. My responsibilities include helping lab members conduct their research, managing undergraduate student employees, engaging in vivarium and annex operations, and undertaking various additional duties in the lab.

How would you describe our department and the people you work with?

Supportive. The biology department provides exceptional support, creating an environment where I have constantly experienced levels of encouragement throughout my time. Both the department and my laboratory team has offered support while simultaneously challenging me and pushing me beyond my comfort zone. This dynamic has really facilitated significant personal, professional, and academic growth.

What do you enjoy most about working here at the U of R?

One aspect of my experience at the U of R that I deeply enjoyed was the opportunity to start my professional journey in the Gorbunova laboratory. My last four years, including my gap year I’ve spent within this lab, I have had the privilege to evolve both personally and scientifically. I was able to form amazing bonds with my colleagues and students which has been very rewarding. As I prepare to depart for graduate school this summer, saying good-bye will be an extremely bittersweet transition for me.

How do you unwind when you’re not in the lab?

To unwind after work, I regularly go to the gym where I focus on powerlifting. This routine has really helped alleviate stress and has drastically contributed to maintaining my overall health and fitness levels!

What advice would you give to prospective students looking to study in our department?

I highly recommend initiating conversation and communication with individuals in the biology department. One aspect I deeply value within the department is the openness and willingness of professors, students, and staff to engage in conversation, offer guidance, delve into research topics, or simply discuss life. Everyone is very approachable which makes it easy to seek advice and collaborate. So, I really recommend being proactive and reaching out to others, especially if you want to get a jumpstart in your studies or research endeavors.