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A student working on a computer.

What information are your site's visitors seeking?

Content Strategies
Student in a lab.

What do you want people to do on your site?

Content Strategies
Students meeting in a group.

Who is the most important audience for your site?

Content Strategies

Web Services

We provide web services free of charge for academic departments, administrative units, and research centers.

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Content Development

Our team is available to assist you with all of your web content development needs.

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Trends and Technologies

We provide expert direction and guidance concerning web trends and technologies.

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Hands on a computer keyboard.

About Us

Who We Are

The web communications team provides strategic planning for and implementation of the web presence for the School of Arts and Sciences and the Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

We view web presence as an evolving, strategic communications program—not simply a series of individual websites. By placing a priority on knowing our business, knowing our users, and effectively leveraging the web as a medium, we can meet user's needs in a way that also achieves the University's strategic goals.

Our services include:

  • Web strategy consultation and process analysis
  • Web content strategy, including content development and content audits
  • Content editing, coordination, and writing
  • Information architecture
  • Mobile-friendly website design and development
  • Web application development
  • Traffic analysis and user testing
  • Web Content Management System development
  • Training on web-writing best practices
  • Support for approved CMS tools

Need help with your website? Please use our service request form or email