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FALL 2013


Corey Robinson ’14

A Message from the Director of Athletics—George VanderZwaag

With the new school year comes a 12 years ago. Endowment support Caribbean. Annual Fund support also
great deal of excitement. Our teams provides ongoing fnancial resources enables the purchase of team-specifc
are poised to build on the momentum for our programs, and contributions equipment as well as video technology
they established last year. For instance, to our annual fund create additional that all of our teams use as teaching
men’s soccer entered the season opportunities to support specifc teams tools.
ranked #1 by BennettRank, a computer- and help increase national—and even I will be in Philadelphia and Boston
driven ranking service. Field hockey is international—recognition of our over the next few months and hope
coming of its most successful season, programs. to see some of you there. And if you
with its frst-ever quarter fnal NCAA Our teams have been able to haven’t already, remember to mark your
appearance last year. And men’s travel and compete around the world calendars for Meliora Weekend October
cross-country is building of of two with such support. Over just the last 10 to 13. We are looking forward to
consecutive NCAA appearances. two years, our men’s basketball and seeing many of you back here on
The momentum also continues with soccer teams went to Germany, and campus. Thank you making a diference
our Athletics fundraising campaign. our squash team traveled to the British in the lives of our student-athletes.
We have seen a 900 percent increase Virgin Islands. Our women’s soccer team Meliora!
in giving since the inception of the played in Greece, and our feld hockey
Rochester Friends of Athletics program and basketball teams competed in the
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