Page 1 - Fall 2015 | Rochester Athletics Newsletter
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Matt Mender ‘16


A Message from the Director of Athletics—George VanderZwaag

This is my favorite time of the year. In the spring, as we  entryway for our guests. In addition, planning continues
close the academic year, we have to say goodbye to our      on a new residence hall on the south end of the PAC.
senior class. Come August, we have the privilege to start   Slated to open in the fall of 2017, it will also be the
anew. We welcome a new class of students and see the        new home of our varsity locker, sports medicine, and
development of returning students, who come back            equipment rooms.
more ready to lead our teams.
                                                            Our goals, from capital projects to program
There is much to anticipate this year. From a competitive   improvements, provide an opportunity for us to
standpoint, the season began September 1 for our soccer,    demonstrate our commitment to our students and to
volleyball, and field hockey teams. In the months to come,  excellence in the educational process. We are grateful for
we will host two major UAA championships for volleyball     your ongoing commitment to Rochester Athletics, and
and swimming and diving.                                    we thank you for your support.

We continue to make progress on the Brian F. Prince         If you have not already marked your calendars, Meliora
Athletic Complex (PAC), too, which is transforming the      Weekend is October 8–11. I am looking forward to
student experience here. By the end of next summer,         seeing many of you on campus for some great activities,
in addition to the major fieldwork already completed,       from dinners and receptions to an alumni fun run to a
we will have replaced the Fauver Stadium press box.         variety of sporting events.
We will also have completed an extensive renovation of
our spectator concourse, making it a more welcoming         Meliora!
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