Judith and James MacGregor

Judith and James MacGregor


The School of Medicine and Dentistry’s Toxicology program was in its infancy in the 1960s when Drs. Judith and James MacGregor ’71M (PhD) met as graduate students. It has now earned an international reputation as a center of excellence for the education of those who ensure the safety of drugs and chemicals. “We feel like part of the family that helped develop our field, and are indebted to the University for our full and wonderful careers,” they said.

When planning their estate, the MacGregors expressed their gratitude to Rochester by funding a flip charitable remainder unitrust using a secondary property. They enjoyed an income tax deduction, paid no capital gains tax on the property sale, and receive five percent variable income for life as managed in the University’s long-term investment pool.

The MacGregors established the Toxicology Student Professional Development Fund that provides annual support for conferences, retreats, and other learning experiences for students. Their planned gift will endow this fund and ensure that support will continue in perpetuity.

“This gift was a way to ensure that future students have the same opportunities we did,” said James and Judith, who are Founding Members of the Wilson Society and contributing members of the of the George Eastman Circle.