Dashboard: University Performance Measures I - Faculty and Student Body Size
University Performance Measures I reports faculty and student headcounts.
Previously known as Performance Measures I, section I (Excel, first tab).
Faculty and Instructional Staff - An Equal Employment Occupational category comprised of employees who are either primarily instruction or instruction combined with research and/or public service.

Tenure Track Faculty - A semi-permanent employment path for faculty to teach, conduct research, and publish. Tenured and on-track non-tenured faculty are on this path. Fall 2016 and previous - values provided by the Office of Institutional Research. Fall 2017 and later - values calculated from files provided by Human Resources (HR_IPEDS) and Institutional Research (SMD Faculty Roster).

Non-Tenure Track Faculty - Faculty and instructional staff not tenured or not on-track for tenure.

UR Non-Medical FT Instructional Faculty - Full time UR faculty and instructional staff excluding faculty in the School of Medicine and Dentistry reported to IPEDS.

UR Non-Medical Instructional Faculty as a % of our Peers - percentage of UR full time faculty and instructional staff calculated against a peer median as reported to IPEDS.

AS&E Tenure Track Faculty - All tenured and on-track AS&E faculty with an appointment in the School of Arts & Sciences or in the Hajim School of Engineering. Deans are counted in the department of their primary academic unit.

UR Enrollment Students - Full Time - A member of the University community who is enrolled in a course/s or program of study, at any school, pursuing any degree type, for 12 or more credit hours per semester (6 during summer session). Non matriculated students are also included. BRN and WMT majors are excluded.

UR Enrollment Students - Part Time - A member of the University community who is enrolled in a course/s or program of study, at any school, pursuing any degree type, for less than 12 credit hours per semester (6 or less during summer session). Non matriculated students are also included. BRN and WMT majors are excluded.

UR Enrollment Students as a % of our peers - percentage of UR total enrollment (full-time and part-time students) calculated against a peer median as reported to IPEDS.
Additional Details
Data is sourced from HRMS, SMD Faculty Roster and ISIS.
HRMS data reported against an 11/1 snapshot feed fed to the Enterprise Data Warehouse.
ISIS data is reported against the fall census snapshot, stored in the Enterprise Data Warehouse.

Peer list to benchmark percentages includes: Boston University, Case Western Reserve University, Duke University, Emory University, Johns Hopkins University, New York University, Northwestern University, Stanford University, Tulane University of Louisiana, University of Chicago, University of Southern California, Vanderbilt University, Washington University in St Louis