Dashboard: University Performance Measures V, Diversity
The 5th of 6 dashboard for University Performance Measures, UPM V reports on diversity of staff, students and faculty.
Staff: Pay Grade 50 & above - All active full-time and part-time (non faculty) staff in salary grades 50-59, 98 and 99.
Staff: Underrepresented Minorities - Salary Grade 50 & above staff members who are African-American, American Indian, Hispanic, or Pacific Islander. Prior to 2017 also includes individuals who report being multiple ethnicity's.
Staff: Women - Salary Grade 50 & above staff members whose gender has identified as female.
Students - A member of the University community who is enrolled in a course/s or a program of study and may or may not be matriculated.
Students: Underrepresented Minorities - Students that have no visa recorded and identified as Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native, Black/African American or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander. Prior to 2017 also includes individuals who report being multiple ethnicity's.
Students: Women - Students whose gender has identified as female.
Students: International - Students who have reported country of citizenship as being other than the U.S. and have a visa recorded.
Faculty - Voting faculty as defined by the faculty Senate.
Faculty: Underrepresented Minorities - Voting faculty who are African-American, American Indian, Hispanic, or Pacific Islander. Prior to 2017 also includes individuals who report being multiple ethnicity's.
Faculty: Woman - Voting faculty whose gender has identified as female.
Additional Details
Data is sourced from HRMS and ISIS.
Faculty and Staff HRMS data reported against an 11/1 snapshot feed fed to the Enterprise Data Warehouse.
Student ISIS data is reported against the fall census snapshot, stored in the Enterprise Data Warehouse.