Dashboard: Census Enrollment Profile
This dashboard provides student enrollment counts at census and allows users to filter based on demographic characteristics.
Please make sure to review the information below as you work with the data, and contact Institutional Research with any questions.
Race and Ethnicity Categories: Race and ethnicity reporting changed in 2010-11, following changes to categories made by the federal government. Individuals are now invited to report all race/ethnicity categories with which they identify; this is the source of the new 'two or more races' category.
Per the federal government, the following derivation logic is applied in identifying a single race/ethnicity category for each individual, based on their self-identified race/ethnicity information:
Non-resident aliens: 

A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely.
For U.S. citizens and permanent residents:
If ethnicity is identified as ‘Hispanic or Latino’ (regardless of race):
Hispanic or Latino

If ethnicity is not identified as ‘Hispanic or Latino’:
If two or more races are identified:  
Two or more races
If a single race is identified:
American Indian or Alaska Native,                 
Black or African American,
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (new in 2010- 11)

If no race is identified:
Enrolled Students
Fall census enrolled student headcounts are as of approximately the third week of fall quarter of each academic year, in early October.
Degree Level: Each student is counted only once. Students pursuing multiple degree programs are counted at the level of their highest-ranking degree program.
School: Enrolled students are counted in the school of their primary major or degree program.  In order for these counts to add up to the total number of enrolled students, a student pursuing more than one major or degree program is counted only once.
Additional Details
No additional details currently defined.