Enrollment Trends by Census - URStudent - Tableau dashboard
Illustrate the 5 year enrollment as recorded in UR Student; shows primary program or primary/secondary program; refreshed nightly; filters include:
Academic Term
Academic Level
Program of Study
Time Status
First Gen(eration)
Citizenship ( US or non-US)
(Census date - for the census version of the dashboard)

Illustrate the International breakdown of student by Country or IIE region/subregion filters, with a stacked bar representation of the composition of students
A stacked bar chart with multiple filters ( e.g. by school, ethnicity, program, etc) , that lists the headcount and percent of total students enrolled, followed by a table matrix with the headcount. Please note the filter choice logic below. Here is the link to the non-snapshot ( live) dashboard.
Also note: there is a different version of this dashboard specifically for census snapshotting. 
Additional Details
Primary or All
Primary: When Primary is selected, it changes the filters Academic Level, Degree, School, and Program to pull from the Primary Majors.  This provides a unique distinct count on student’s URIDs.  It selects the Student’s Primary Program. if the student is enrolled in multiple programs of study, the primary count’s the student’s highest academic level. (i.e  If a student is enrolled in a Masters and a Bachelor’s program, Primary selection counts the student at the Master academic level.)
All:  When All is selected, it changes the filters Academic Level, Degree, School, and Program to pull from the Program of Study.   The total line provides a unique distinct count of student’s URID, however each Program of Study is counted in the aggregation.  The total line will not be equivalent to the aggregation.  
Matriculated Status
This field uses the Non Matric Ind from the student summary by term table
All Students:  This selects all students enrolled in a matriculated program or a non-matriculated programs
Matriculated Students:  This selects all students that are enrolled in a matriculated program.  This selection will match historic census records.  
Non-Matriculated Students:  This select all students that are enrolled in a non-matriculated program. 
Time Status:
This field uses Financial Aid Load Status from the student summary by term table
Full-Time:  Students that are identified as attending Full-Time
Part-Time: Students that are identified as attending Part-Time, ½ Time, ¾ Time, Less than ½ Time, Not Enrolled, and other. 
View Type: URM:
This field uses URM External field from IPEDS ethnicity view and the International Student Ind from the student summary . 
The logic uses, if the international student ind is equal to 1, then results return International.  If the URM External flag is 0, that student is not a URM.  If the URM Internal flag is 1, that student is a URM.
Note: for the census version, we have additional census filters for the user