Student Enrollment Summary by Programs/Majors
This report illustrates trends in student enrollment by Program School/College, Program Degree, Program/Major over the selected period years/terms/academic period.
This is a crosstab report with prompt page that allows users to use filters such as Academic period year, year term, program school/college, academic level, program department, program degree, program, minor, instrument and student bio and demographic filters such as gender, ethnicity, citizenship status, and URM.

This report provides high level student enrollment count based on the user's selected filters then allows users to drill through to Student Enrollment List by Programs/Majors report with more data such as student name, ID, time status, enrollment status by clicking hyperlinked numbers in columns. Furthermore user can click on the student ID (hyperlinked number in blue font) to drill through to Student Profile report which displays more information about the student such as student bio, current enrollment and academic history.
Additional Details
This report is using Package "Student Program Enrollment" located in Team content >UR Student Reports > Packages in Cognos Stage, will be migrated to Cognos Production after UAT is complete.