Degree Conferred Dashboard
This dashboard represents several KPI's regarding students who have had degrees/credentials conferred upon them. Multiple filters allow the end user to choose relevant criteria to reflect the results on the dashboard. The data source is refreshed daily. Key metrics include:
Count of students for the most recent academic year
Count of these who received certificates
Count of Bachelor degrees conferred
Count of Masters degrees conferred
Count of Doctoral and Medical degrees conferred

Each one of the above metrics also reflects the change % of year-over-year performance with a directional, color coded arrow.
The confer by Composition Trend metrics include:
Count of distribution by Gender, International/URM, Discipline, Citizenship, and Race/Ethnicity.
There is also a horizontal bar chart of the types of degrees received by each degree level ( Doctoral/Medical, Masters, and Bachelors), listed in max count order.
This dashboard represents several KPI's regarding students who have had degrees/credentials conferred upon them. Multiple filters allow the end user to choose relevant criteria to reflect the results on the dashboard. The data source is refreshed daily. Key metrics include:
Count of students for the most recent academic year
Count of these who received certificates
Count of Bachelor degrees conferred
Count of Masters degrees conferred
Count of Doctoral and Medical degrees conferred

Each one of the above metrics also reflects the change % of year-over-year performance with a directional, color coded arrow.
The confer by Composition Trend metrics include:
Count of distribution by Gender, International/URM, Discipline, Citizenship, and Race/Ethnicity.
There is also a horizontal bar chart of the types of degrees received by each degree level ( Doctoral/Medical, Masters, and Bachelors), listed in max count order.
Additional Details
No additional details currently defined.