Course Enrollment Trends -Tableau
This dashboard is one of two dashboards integrated in the same workbook. Course Enrollment Trends shows metrics of course enrollment over time, with multiple filter choices available on the side.
Registrations status is derived from:
Enrollment Status:
Filter defaulted to: R, RC,RD, RF, RS
Students Audits defaults to No
Exclusion Codes defaults to null.  Exclusion codes can be added via the filter drop down.
The dashboard is broken into the following sections:
1) BANS- large numerical values for the number of students in each measure, based on the filter choices selected:
Courses enrolled in
Registrations ( a student can register for one or more courses, so this represents all the courses registered for)
Registered students- a distinct count of students registered 
Number of credits registered for (summed)
Number of Instructors for the courses enrolled in

Below each metric above is a 5 year ( standard ) vertical bar chart that shows the trends over time, as well as an indicator arrow that by color and direction, shows the current year trend as compared to the previous year trend.
The next section is the details oriented area, where you can see the actual student counts per registered course, with the following columns displayed:
Course Dept Description
Course subject number
Course title
then 3 counts are displayed for each:
Registered Student Count for that specific course
Distinct count of Course sections
Course Instructor Count

over the last 5 years.
Filters are segregated to Course related data outcomes and Student data related outcomes:
Year Term
Academic Level
Instructor HR School ( associated)
Instructor Name
Instructor Type
and then Student Data Related:
Academic Level
Time Status
How calculations were derived:
Student Headcount:
Student headcounts include the students enrolled at the University of Rochester.  It counts the student one time at the program with the highest academic level.  For example, if a student is working on a Bachelors of Arts in English and a Masters of Music concurrently, the student is counted at the higher degree level of Masters of Music.
Matriculated Status:
All Students - includes students in matriculated, non-matriculated, and non-degree seeking programs.  
Matriculated Students - includes students in a matriculated degree program
Non-matriculated Students - includes students that are NOT part of a program. 
Time Status: 
Derived from the field Financial Aid Load Status (Fa load status refid) 
Part-Time includes students that have the Work Day status of
1/2 time
3/4 time
Not enrolled - defined as non-matriculated students and other non- degree seeking students.
Full-Time = Full-time students
Additional Details
Students enrolled in multiple degree programs are counted one time in their primary program of study.
Included enrollment statuses: R, RC, RD, RF, RS.
Undergraduate students with an intended primary program of study in Engineering are counted in the Hajim School of Engineering. Prior to UR Student these intended students were counted in Arts & Sciences. To be consistent, historical data has been updated to reflect current practice.
Non-matriculated students are counted in the school where most of their course registrations in a given academic period reside. Non-matrics previously appeared separately in “college 09”. They can be removed from a school’s count by deselecting “Non degree seeking” under the degree filter.