Spring Course Credit Hours and Enrollments by School and Subject Area (1 Year) (Fact Book)
The Fact Book is a public compendium of current and historical information about the University and is considered the authoritative source of these data.
This columnar report aggregates credit hours earned and enrollment by School and academic department, for undergraduate and graduate students. Credit hours earned is a calculation of the number of credit hours offered in a course, multiplied by the number of students who enrolled in that course. Enrollment is head count, not FTE.

Students registered for leave of absence, including senior year in absentia, have been excluded.

Cross-listed registrations are reported in the parent course.

A minimum number of credit hour totals have been rounded to the nearest whole number.

The report header mentions "Undergraduate vs Graduate Based on Student Status". In this instance, student status refers to the degree level undergraduate or graduate. It does not refer to enrollment status.

Typically this report is run late in the semester to take advantage of work efficiencies gained by using the same data extract as the report "Fall Undergraduate Section Size by Subject (1 Year)".
Additional Details
Related report - Fall. Report is generated late in the semester, not on the census date. Sometime after Census and before the end of the term. Usually run at the same time as fall undergraduate size by subject for convenience of extract workload. Anyone who withdrew at any point is not counted. - Fall undergraduate by size subject.