Rochester Review, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
University of Rochester

University of Rochester




50TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


45TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


40TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


35TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


30TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


25TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


20TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


In February, Susan Becker O'Rourke wrote, "The O'Rourke family is on the move again--back to the Philadelphia area after almost three years in Pittsburgh. I've continued to use my nursing background while working in information systems. Most recently I worked for Forbes Health System, focusing on supporting and encouraging physician use of the clinical computer. The only time I seem to get a vacation is when we move, so I'm looking forward to a few weeks 'off,' packing and unpacking. Our son, Sean, is now 9 and up to my chin. (He was the little kid in the class T-shirt at the Reunion five years ago.) My husband, John, is now a patent attorney specializing in biotechnology, computers, and intellectual property.


15TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996

Beth E. Cheney writes, "I continue to work as a family nurse practitioner at Yale University Health Services and teach at the Yale School of Nursing. My husband, Rick Mendes, and I welcomed our first child, a son, Alex, on March 28, 1996."


Susan Lansbury Mulvehill writes that she and her husband, Mike, relocated to Virginia in 1995. They have two daughters, Molly, 5, and Leah, 2. Sue is a pediatric nurse practitioner in private practice. "We love northern Virginia, except for the crazy traffic," she says.


10TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


5TH REUNION, OCTOBER 11-12, 1996


Jen Jankowiak Hilt married Bob Hilt '96M (MD) on November 4, 1995, in Jupiter, Fla. School of Nursing graduates Peggy Popp and Kim Ellis attended the wedding. The Hilts are living in Iowa City, where Bob is in a pediatric residency at the University of Iowa.


Susan Polly Lander is an R.N. in the surgical intensive care unit at Strong Memorial Hospital. . . . Wendy Rubinowitz is an R.N. on the surgical staff at the New York Hospital in New York City.

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Last updated 9-9-1996      (jc)