The Rochester Review, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
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Alumni Relations

The Neel family: 6 siblings at the University--all at once

Robert Neel '06, his wife, and his six children -- all of whom attended the University

Many years ago, when W. Robert Neel '06 and his wife took their six children on the traditional Sunday drive, they would often pass by the University campus. "That's where you'll go to college," they'd tell them.

As daughter Virginia ("Ginny") Neel Skuse '50 remembers, "There was never a doubt that we would go to college and never a doubt that we would go to the U. of R." Years later, because of the upheaval of World War II, all six children attended at the University at the same time (they even have a newspaper story that chronicles this rare occurrence). Here's the roster: John Neel '49, Robert Neel '49, '51 (Mas), Caroline Neel Yaude '49, Ginny Skuse, Diana Neel Pefley '52, and William Neel (who attended the University for two years and then transferred to Annapolis). Four of them married fellow alumni: Robert married Shirley Gott Neel '49; Caroline married Walter Yaude '49; Ginny married Richard Skuse '49; and Diana married David Pefley '52, '56 (Mas). In the next generation, there are two additional University alumni: Richard Skuse '75S (MBA), the son of Ginny and Dick, and John Neel '73, the son of John and his wife, Rosemary. Another noteworthy coincidence, according to Dick Skuse (senior), is that all three of the Neel boys joined the Sigma Chi fraternity and all three of the girls married Sigma Chi men.

For the most part, W. Robert Neel's six children are all retired now, but, clearly, their Rochester education served them well. John, in the Class of '49, holds a number of patents for his inventions. Robert was a geologist, Caroline has worked as a school psychologist, and Diana became a social worker. Ginny has been a docent at the University's Memorial Art Gallery for many years, while Bill, who attended the University for just a brief time and graduated from Annapolis, rose to the rank of admiral.

Editor's note: Are you a member of an extended alumni family? If so, please let us know!

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Last updated 12-13-1996      (jc)