The Rochester Review, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA

University of Rochester

University of Rochester



| 1950s | 1960s |1970s | 1980s | 1990s |




70TH REUNION, JUNE 6-8, 1997

From the 1927 Croceus


Eleanor Dylewski Otto was honored in the December 1995 issue of International Poetry, the official publication of the International Poets Academy. The issue included a large selection of her poetry, an analysis of her work, and a tribute to Otto by Krishna Srinivas, the president of the academy.


65TH REUNION, JUNE 6-8, 1997

From the 1932 Croceus


Russ Craytor (see '57 Eastman)


60TH REUNION, JUNE 6-8, 1997

From the 1937 Interpres


Paul Humphrey is the author of Ladies First, a book of light verse recently published by Tow Path Books.


Denis Radefeld was awarded one of Ohio's first Physician Volunteer Awards in July. A general surgeon, Radefeld is the founder of the Lorain County Free Clinic in Ohio. He donates an average of 12 hours or more a month to care for patients at the clinic in addition to serving on the staff of Lorain Community Hospital. . . . David Stewart was honored in June with the Kenneth W. Woodward Award from the Rochester Primary Care Network. The award recognizes Stewart's "consistent and effective community leadership to enhance access and availability of care for Rochester's medically underserved." Stewart was president of Rochester's Blue Cross and Blue Shield until 1986. In that position, Stewart was "instrumental in creating a health care system that, through affordable premiums, integrates the poor into a single system of care."


55TH REUNION, JUNE 6-8, 1997

From the 1942 Interpres


Dorothy Pardi Stiles sent in a copy of a poem called "She Thinks Dandelions Are Just Plain Dandy," which appeared in Country magazine recently. The poem, which includes the line, "We should live bright, vibrant lives in the spirit of the dandelion's blazing yellow color," reminded Stiles of her "dear old alma mater."


Josephine Kelly Craytor '60W (Mas) (see '57 Eastman).


Nancy Diefendorf Breed has a master's in library science and has recently published a book for fourth graders about the Erie Canal. She lives in Syracuse.


Yolanda Giuffrida Dragone '45E reports that her brother, Robert Giuffrida '50 (Mas), died in June 1995 in Corning, N.Y. Giuffrida taught in the language department at Corning Community College until his retirement. He earned a doctorate in Germanic philology from George Washington University in 1957 and taught languages at that university until 1962. He also served as a translator in World War II. . . . John Neel, Robert Neel '51 (Mas), Shirley Gott Neel, Richard Skuse, Caroline Neel Yaude, and Walter Yaude (see Alumni Relations).


Class Correspondent
Kenneth Hubel
2562 Oak Circle N.E.
N. Liberty, IA 52317
(319) 626-6562

Other members of the Class of 1950 may have shared my regret as a student in the late 1940s that the University's football program failed to attract national attention and that the scores of our games were rarely heard over the national radio networks on autumn afternoons. Having later spent six years in Syracuse and 34 years on the faculty of a Big Ten school, it is clear to me now that we were blessed. I still rarely hear the scores of Rochester football games on Saturday afternoons in the Midwest, implying that sports are still receiving attention in proportion to their overall importance to the University and its students. Now, I'm delighted.

I visited old friend Jim Hursh '53M (MD) in Batavia, N.Y., several months ago. His wife, Joyce, died several years ago and partial paralysis from a stroke has prevented his continuing to practice obstetrics and gynecology. The latter affected his movements but has not diminished his sharpness or sense of humor. Jim is at home at 243 East Avenue, Batavia, NY 14020.

Pete Willems and his wife Carol Lendrim Willems '49, now married 46 years, lived in Rochester, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Honolulu before retiring in Columbus. Pete headed various divisions of department stores in each of those cities. Their four children provide reasons for travel to Pasadena, Denver, and Chagrin Falls to visit six grandchildren. They are at 2811 Chateau Circle South, Columbus, OH 43221.

Let me hear from the rest of you. Your classmates are interested. Most of us are shy about blowing our own horns. Let me do it for you. You don't even have to spend 32 cents. Just use e-mail: khubel@blue.weeg.

Virginia Neel Skuse (see Alumni Relations).


45TH REUNION, JUNE 6-8, 1997

From the 1952 Interpres

David Pefley '56 (Mas) and Diana Neel Pefley (see Alumni Relations).


Mary Fenwick presented an organ recital in May as part of the Abendmusiken Series at the First Presbyterian Church in Lancaster, Pa.


40TH REUNION, JUNE 6-8, 1997

From the 1957 Interpres


Class Correspondents
Valorie Evans Rathbone '60 (Mas) and John Rathbone '59
R.D. #2, Box 55
Hamilton, NY 13346
(315) 824-3049

On January 8, Andersen Worldwide announced that Lawrence D. Chesler '81S (MBA) had become a senior member of the Legal Group at its global administrative office in Chicago. Most recently, Larry was vice president and general counsel for a Rochester-based major division of Northern Telecom. Prior to that, he had a similar role at a company, acquired by Northern Telecom, that designed, developed, and marketed applied telecom/computer systems. Before moving into industry, Larry spent 15 years in private practice as a partner in a Rochester law firm.

Larry has been active in many professional groups. He has been a director of the Computer Law Association and serves on the editorial board of The Computer Lawyer. For the New York State Bar Association, he is a member of the House of Delegates, past chair and member of the Executive Committee of Corporate Counsel Section, and a fellow of the New York Bar Association. He has spoken at many professional conferences and has published articles concerning high technology, repetitive stress injury litigation, and electric and magnetic field litigation.

Val and John Rathbone took a short vacation to Iceland to visit daughter Elizabeth, son-in-law Daryn, and grandson Ian who are stationed at the NATO base at Keflavik. Says John, "One of the few--'Very few,' adds Val--advantages of aging is entering the '60-years-plus' window of opportunity offered by the Department of Defense for its retirees. We were able to take advantage of flying on a space-available basis. After three trips to Philadelphia, we were able to board a flight. It was a great trip. Iceland is a country of epic scenery: volcanoes, mountains, glaciers, farmland, and waterfalls. The climate was just right, the kids were well, Ian is a delight, and we returned refreshed and ready to do it again."

Remember, classmates, if you don't send us material, then you shall have to be content with listening about our life and times. It may not be much, but it beats a blank spot on the page. Of course, we could make up some "information" about a few of you! By the way, start warming up to the idea of a 40th class reunion--it's less than two years away!

Thomas Rickert is the founder of the nonprofit organization Access Exchange International, which seeks low cost ways to permit disabled people to access public transportation in Russia, Kenya, South Africa, and Mexico, as well as here in the United States. Kathy Rumrich Gilbert '69 reported Rickert's activity to the Review. "It may help to publicize this important work among alumni who may be sympathetic to the need for mobility for all people. Tom's address is 112 San Pablo Ave., San Francisco, Calif. 94127 and his office phone is (415) 661-6355," she wrote. (Rickert is also mentioned in Class Acts.)


Nancy Lewis Walden writes, "We are enjoying living in Waimea on the Big Island of Hawaii. Would love to hear from friends from the Class of 1960."


Bob Ervin sent us e-mail to say, "Please welcome Alexandra Nicolle Ervin, our first grandchild."


35TH REUNION, JUNE 6-8, 1997

From the 1962 Interpres


Elizabeth A. Gallas has joined the sales staff of John R. Wood Realtors in Naples, Fla. In January, Gallas moved from Boston, Mass., where she owned a real estate firm. . . . Susan Spurbeck Webb has been named the music director of the Opera Center of the San Francisco Opera. Webb was assistant conductor of the New York Metropolitan Opera, working with James Levine.


Bruce Feldman, wife Kathy, and 41/2 year old son Michael have relocated to Plant City in beautiful west central Florida, near Tampa, he reports. "I have been appointed senior human resources manager for Breed Technologies, Inc., a high-tech automotive supplier in Lakeland, Fla." . . . John M. Soures '70 (PhD), director of the Experimental Division of the Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University, in August was appointed manager of the National Laser Users Facility there. Soures is a fellow of the American Physical Society and was awarded the American Physical Society Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics in 1993.


Barry Frieder is a psychiatrist in private practice in Knoxville, Tenn. . . . Lowell Glick writes, "After a 27-year career at Eastman Kodak, I was a casualty of downsizing and lost my job in 1993. I started the second phase of my career and am now president of my own telecommunications company located in South Florida." . . . Harrington ("Kit") Crissey, Jr. (see Class Acts). . . . Jane Speyer Weber '67W (Mas) was awarded a stipend by the National Endowment for the Humanities to participate in the 1996 program of Summer Seminars for School Teachers at the University of Nottingham in England. Weber, who teaches at Lawrence (Mass.) High School, participated in a seminar on "Historical Interpretations of the Industrial Revolution in England."


30TH REUNION, JUNE 6-8, 1997

From the 1967 Interpres

Carolyn Ann Abbott received her master's degree in natural science from San Jose (Calif.) State University in May. . . . John Hanhardt has been appointed senior curator at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. (For more on him, see Class Acts.) . . . James J. Merlihan '69 (Mas) has been promoted to senior associate director of development for the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.


In May, Richard Hanft presented a talk titled "Getting the Get: Avitzur Then and Now" at the Jewish Community Center in Rochester. Hanft, an attorney in Troy, N.Y., represented the prosecution in the Avitzur case, a landmark divorce decision involving Jewish marriage law. . . . F. Michael Hruby has been named chairman of the board of Media Logic, Inc., of Plainville, Mass., which makes data libraries and test and duplication equipment for electronic media. Hruby is president of Technology Marketing Group, a management consulting firm in Acton, Mass. . . . William J. Rapaport is acting director of the Center for Cognitive Science at SUNY Buffalo for 1996-97. Rapaport is associate professor of computer science and adjunct professor of philosophy at Buffalo.


Kathy Rumrich Gilbert (see '58). . . . Sandra Lee Kawano (see Class Acts). . . . As the Review went to press, Jeff Livingston was running for Congress in the 14th Congressional district in Manhattan. Livingston, a partner in the law firm of Gilbert, Segall and Young, is an assistant U.S. attorney. . . . David J. Mack, president and publisher of the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle/Times-Union, in August was awarded the New York Newspaper Publishers Association's John Peter Zenger Publisher of the Year award. The honor goes to newspaper executives who have made a significant contribution to the industry. . . . Lois Hecht Oppenheim participated in a National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar on "Economic Development and Democratization in Latin America" at University of California at Santa Barbara this summer. In May, Oppenheim was a guest scholar at Georgia Southern University, where she lectured on "Women in Politics in Chile," "Neoliberalism in Latin America," and "Reconstructing Democracy in Chile." Oppenheim writes, "I continue my professional research on Latin America and Chile and travel to Chile regularly. My two children are approaching adulthood: Amy is a sophomore at Scripps College and Benjamin is an international baccalaureate student entering his junior year in high school." Oppenheim is professor and chair of the Political Science Department at the University of Judaism's College of Arts and Science in Los Angeles. . . . Deborah Kates Smith has been named senior vice president of human resources with Merck & Co., a pharmaceutical products and services company based in New Jersey. Smith had previously held the same position at Bausch & Lomb in Rochester. (For more on Smith, see Class Acts.)


Gary A. Goodman has been elected vice president of the Locust Valley (N.Y.) Central School District Board of Education. . . . Karen Noble Hanson (see Class Acts). . . . Gail Lione '71 shares some "small world" news: Marc Hoberman, an Honorary Trustees' Council member who works in the White House Visitors Office, discovered recently that his boss, Kim Holmes, director of White House operations, is married to Joel Bonder '71, whom Marc knew as an undergraduate. . . . Brodie Remington has been appointed vice president for development at Trinity College in Hartford, Conn. Remington had been vice president of public affairs and development at the University of Oregon. He and his wife, Janet, have two grown children. . . . Stephen Rustow (see Class Acts).


Joel Bonder (see '70). . . . Lettie Burgett is a pediatrician in Torrance, Calif. She and her husband, Benjamin Cowan, have two children, Ben, 16, and Chris, 14. . . . Melissa Upton Cyders is a pathologist at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. She and her husband, Cristopher Cyders, have two children, Andrew, 12, and Emma, 8. . . . Laura Beth Gordon and Gerald Gordon have three children, Jonathan, 16, Alexander, 14, and Allison, 12. Laura is a clinical psychologist and Gerald is a internist in infectious diseases in Aiken, S.C. The Gordons report they moved last year into a house they bought from Senator Strom Thurmond. Laura writes, "Please come to visit. Aiken is a lovely place to live. We'd love to see you!". . . Jeffrey Halka participated in a U.S. Navy-sponsored, month-long oceanographic expedition to the Norwegian, Greenland, and Barents Seas aboard the Russian research ship Professor Logachev. The scientific party, which included researchers from Russia, Norway, America, and Latvia, examined the sedimentary stratigraphy of the seas using sub-bottom acoustic profiling. Halka is deputy program chief for coastal and estuarine geology with the Maryland Geological Survey. . . . In July, J. Gerhardt Jaspers retired as director of the Center for Environmental Health and Safety at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Jaspers had been with the university for 21 years. . . . Gail Lione (see '70). . . . Ellen S. Mastman writes, "I have three jobs: as a consultant to an infant deaf program, as a lip-reading instructor at a junior college, and as editor of a comprehensive Web site on disability." Mastman lives in Saratoga, Calif., with her children, Michael, 16, and Katy, 15. . . . Debbie Watkins Moncrieff reports she received her master's in August from the University of Texas in Dallas and began working as an audiologist in September. She expects to receive her Ph.D. sometime in 1997. Moncrieff has three children, Will, 18, Abby, 16, and Scott, 11. . . . Valerie Swett Nigh is an attorney in Boston. She and her husband, Frank, have two children, Samuel, 13, and Christine, 9. . . . Ira Pardo is a physician specializing in rheumatology in Boca Raton, Fla., where he lives with his wife, Janie, and their son, Andrew, 12. . . . Ann S. Winn-Mueller, a psychiatric social worker, and her husband, David, a clinical psychologist, have three children, Benjamin, 16, Christopher, 13, and Catherine, 9. They live in Belle Mead, N.J.


25TH REUNION, JUNE 6-8, 1997

From the 1972 Interpres

Paul F. Macielak and his wife, Karen, have two children, Alexander, 7, and Maxwell, 4. They live in New York City, where Macielak works at New York Hospital. . . . In May, Ann V. McGillicuddy-DeLisi received the Marquis Distinguished Teaching Award from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania. She is a professor of psychology at the college.


David Barnes has been named to the board of Equestrian Sports Company. Barnes is president and chief executive officer of Agenda-International Corporation. . . . Miki Fukushima writes, "Last issue, I noticed no one from my class had anything to share with us. So, just in case, here you go.". . . Anthony M. Gallea has been named senior portfolio management director with Smith Barney in Pittsford, N.Y. Gallea is the author of The Lump Sum Handbook: Investment Strategies for a Secure Retirement and is working on a second investment book to be published in 1997. He has appeared on CNBC's "Smart Money" program and on the radio talk show "Sound Money." . . . Dann Gustavson sends word, "I am now managing partner of InnoVision Associates, a management consulting practice in the San Francisco Bay Area, working with computer and electronics companies to streamline their new product launches. Previous experience was with Kodak, IBM, and Quantum Corp.". . . Jonathan D. Mayer e-mailed to bring us up-to-date: He is a professor in the Departments of Geography, Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Health Services, and Family Medicine at the University of Washington. He writes, "I am a medical geographer, specializing in the geography of health and disease, and co-founder of the University of Washington's Emerging Diseases Working Group, which is an interdisciplinary group of faculty and students who share a common interest in emerging diseases. I am developing one of the first undergraduate minors in public health in the United States, which we hope will develop into a major. I have also been taking acting and play writing classes, and my first play, Father, was performed in Seattle in September. I'm married to Merrill Maselow Mayer '74, a software developer at Microsoft. We have a 12-year-old daughter, Rachel." . . . John Neel (see Alumni Relations). . . . Stephen Rustow lived in Paris for 10 years while working for I.M. Pei as project manager for the design of the Louvre Pyramid. (For more on him, see Class Acts.) . . . Anita Shubert reports that she moved this past year to New Jersey for a new job as a cantor for a synagogue in Ocean Grove. In May she married Reuven Perry.


Merrill Maselow Mayer (see '73).


Larry Bloch (see Meliorist). . . . Lise Holst has been named director of the Emerson Gallery at Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y. . . . Christopher J. Iaquinto has retired from the Marine Corps as a lieutenant colonel after 21 years of service. He is now working for Honeywell Guidance and Navigation Operation as a program manager in Clearwater, Fla. . . . Robin Jacobson is the founder and publisher of True North Press, designers and producers of fine editions of poetry and other creative writing, and she is the managing editor of the quarterly journal Artists Dialogue. Her own poems have been published in various literary magazines, including Poets On:, and are forthcoming in Tricycle: The Buddhist Review (online) and Yellow Silk, as well as in several anthologies. In 1995 Robin was awarded three years of affiliate status and a writing studio at the Headlands Center for the Arts in Sausalito, Calif., and this year she won first prize in the National League of American Pen Women (San Francisco Chapter) annual national poetry contest. Robin has combined her training in the healing, creative, and performing arts to teach "Coming to Your Senses: A Body-Mind Workshop for Poets and Writers." She also privately coaches writers, artists, performers, and others involved in the creative process. She is assembling her first book of poems and this fall will record readings from her own work.


David Carlucci is general manager of IBM Printing Systems Co. In June, following the unveiling of four new printers by IBM, Carlucci was featured in a question-and-answer article in Investor's Business Daily. . . .Maurice Hutchinson sends a note via e-mail, "I'm still in the Marine Corps (Lt. Col.) and am now serving as a Congressional Fellow to the Senate Armed Services Committee. I work specifically for Senator Sam Nunn (D-Ga.) and handle his Asian foreign-policy matters. I'd love to hear from my fellow alumni, especially my fraternity brothers in DKE." . . . William Reynolds III, son of William Reynolds, Jr. '79 (Mas), was featured in a Rochester Democrat & Chronicle article on "The Kids of Summer," which outlined the summer schedules of several local teenagers. William III, 15, keeps busy with gymnastics, music lessons, and lawn mowing. William Jr. and his wife, Evelyn, live in Pittsford. Their family also includes four daughters older than William III. . . . Stuart Schneider reports he is almost finished with his 10th book, Collecting Abraham Lincoln. "It will have 1,000 color photos of Lincolniana from 1832 to 1930s. My current book, Collecting Flashlights, will be out in October," Schneider writes.


20TH REUNION, OCTOBER 17-19, 1997

Daniel M. Kimmel writes, "My wife, Donna, and I are pleased to announce the birth of Amanda Rose Kimmel, on August 8, 1996. My script, 'The Waldorf Conference,' which premiered at L.A. Theatreworks in 1993, has been optioned by film producer Stephen Israel." The play, which Kimmel co-authored with Arnie Reisman and Nat Segaloff, is about the Hollywood blacklist. Kimmel and family live in Brookline, Mass. . . . Ken Livingston married Yvonne Smith-Wales on June 16, 1996. . . . Richard Shorin '78S (MBA) writes that he and his wife, Andrea, "are thrilled to announce the birth of their second child, Rebecca Jill Shorin, on August 15, 1996. Older daughter Emily Kate (2) is sharing in the excitement. Pictures of Rebecca can be found on her own home page at Our e-mail address is" . . . Karl R. Thielking '81W (Mas) is vice principal at Greece Olympia High School in Rochester.


Nancy Berry Bond (see '87). . . . Jan Repair Callaway '78N sent us the following information: "Children outnumbered grownups at the Maximus Fortieth Birthday Reunion held August 17-24 at Bethany Beach, Del. The following alums, families, and friends attended: Paul Buika, wife Maggie, and their three children (Paul works for an oil exploration company in Long Beach, Calif.); Jan Repair Callaway, husband Scott, and their two children (Jan works part-time for Snyder Anesthesia, in Virginia Beach, Va., and was recently elected to her second term as secretary of the Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists); Mark Goldstein and Jill Marcus Goldstein '79N and their two children (Mark is an executive with Stanley Tools in Michigan and Jill has temporarily postponed her career as a nurse practitioner to care for their children); Frank Vetrano '80S (MBA), wife Sue, and their three children (Frank works for Freddie Mac in Washington, D.C.); Beth Secaur Westfall and husband Bill (Beth, an attorney, is a partner with Dave Guy in the law firm of Coughlin Gerhart in Binghamton, N.Y.); Dave Guy, wife Leslie, and their three children; Peter Correll '79 (who works and lives in Boston) with wife Nora and their three children; Marlin Johnson, who has a son and is an assistant city manager in Rapid City, S.D.; and Bryan Lyles '83 (PhD), who works for Xerox in Palo Alto, Calif. Other friends attending were Ceil Vetrano Novak, Nicky Novak, Henry and Patty Hairston and their two children, Ris Lacoste (two years at Rochester, finished up at UC Berkeley), and Katie Brown and son Patrick. The reunion was a huge success with lots of fun in the sun, on the beach, partying, dancing to old tunes, riding big waves and pigging out on fantastic eats prepared by Ris, who is executive chef at the restaurant 1789 in Washington, D.C. By the way, future Maximum Reunion attendees should start getting their photo albums ready. Future sites discussed: Lake Powell, Utah, Colorado. A special thanks to Frank and Sue Vetrano for organizing Paul Buika's idea!" . . . Jeremy F. Citro received his master's in public policy from Duke University in June. . . . Steve Ulrich (see Alumni Gazette).


Peter Correll (see '78). . . . Winn Gaynor and Susan Eckstein Gaynor '80 write to proudly announce the birth of Allison on July 7, 1996. She joins her brothers, Adam, 7, and David, 5. . . . Dawne Sepanski Hickton reports that she recently hosted a Mother's Day retreat in Wild Dunes, S.C. Joining her for the ladies' golfing weekend were Theresa (Lolly King) Mattioli, Leslie Black Trow, Maureen Hopke Christmas, Sue Gelman Ginsburg, Sue Eckert Miller, and Sheryl Smith. The women were joined for the weekend by Dawne and her husband Dave's baby, Keenan Richard Hickton, born Sept. 2, 1995. Dawne is clinical professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. . . . Harry W. Kestler '85 (PhD) is leading a group of scientists at the Cleveland Clinical Foundation working on the development of a live vaccine for the virus that causes AIDS. Kestler is an assistant staff researcher in the Clinic Research Institute's department of molecular biology and an assistant professor of pathology at Case Western Reserve. . . . Joe Pow is a lieutenant colonel with the United States Air Force ROTC at Rochester Institute of Technology. He and his wife, Jill, have two children, Joe, 10, and A.J., 7. . . . Lisa Siegel reports that she had a baby girl, Olivia Rose Stein, on July 16, 1996. Her son, Max, is 6 years old. Lisa says she will be taking time off from her work as a clinical social worker in order to be a full-time mom. . . . Ken Valentine (see '81).


Lenny Bart writes to report he is "alive and well in sunny southern California." . . . Terri Schiesser Bookman and Alan Bookman announce the birth of their daughter, Zoe Sophia, on July 27, 1996. . . . Susan Eckstein Gaynor (see '79). . . . Jennifer McErlean (see '81). . . . Laura Weller-Brophy '87 (PhD) and Chris Brophy '84 (Mas) relocated to Austin, Tex., in 1993, where Chris provides professional consulting services in optical engineering and Laura works for the 3M Telecom Systems Division as a research specialist in optics. They have two children, Seth, 7, and Jessica, 4. "We are also the dubiously proud owners of two dogs, Stunod (8) and Gooch (12 weeks). We enjoy our happy, dog-chewed, muddy home in the foothills of Austin," Laura writes.


Jeff Cohen is brand manager for General Motors GMC Jimmy. He had been senior business director at the Nabisco Biscuit Company. Cohen was featured in articles in January issues of Brandweek magazine and USA Today. . . . John M. Ganley works for the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. . . . Veronique Hakim-Albert writes, "I'm working as special counsel to the New York City Transit Authority, and am happily living in Livingston, N.J., with my 5-year-old daughter, Sarah, and husband, Louis Albert." . . . Sarita Ward Kaplan (see '82). . . . Kent Kiikka '82S (MBA) is a tax analyst for Chase Manhattan Bank in Rochester. . . . Jana Levinson Llynn reports that she "continues her stage managing adventures, the most recent being the off-Broadway production of The Shawl, directed by Sidney Lumet and starring Dianne Wiest." Llynn also stage-managed Computer Associates '96 World Convention in New Orleans this summer. . . . Rachel Brown Peckar writes that she is "taking a detour from my computer career to raise two active boys (Charlie, 5, and Jacob, 2). I'm enjoying my time at home and who knows what I'll do next!" . . . Karin Roberts reports she married Paul Dwyer on Sept. 16, 1995, atop Windham Mountain in New York's Catskills. Roberts is a copy editor for Newsday on Long Island. Other alumni at the wedding were Ken Valentine '79, Jennifer McErlean '80, Maryanne Carson, and Miriam Robbins '82. . . . Navy Lt. Cmdr. Thomas A. Schibler recently participated in a joint task force exercise in the Mediterranean with Spanish military forces. Schibler serves on the staff of the admiral in charge of U.S. naval forces in the Mediterranean. . . . Marine Capt. Kirby A. Stokes returned in June from six months' service in the Persian Gulf aboard the USS Peleliu. . . . . Robert Wanamaker is a principal design engineer with Andover Controls in Massachusetts.


15TH REUNION, OCTOBER 17-19, 1997

Miriam Robbins (see '81). . . . Ruth Shapiro writes, "I married Michael Ward, brother of Sarita Ward Kaplan '81, in May 1994 and had a daughter, Emma, on Dec. 30, 1995. We are now living in (of all places) the Houston, Texas, area." . . . Marybeth Schultz Schwartz reports, "My husband, Jody, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our son, Jason Robert, on June 21." She is a systems engineer/technical trainer for Transarc Corp. and her husband owns his own advertising business. . . . Eric Stevens '85S (MBA) and Christina Sutton Stevens '87, '95S (MBA), announce the birth of Matthew David Stevens on July 4, 1996. He joins big sister, Elizabeth Sara, born October 24, 1990. The family lives in Leesburg, Va. . . . Navy Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Weed '91S (MBA) in September was serving aboard the USS Hewitt, a destroyer stationed in the Persian Gulf to enforce U.N. sanctions against Iraq.


Paul Denson (see '85). . . . Navy Lt. Cmdr. Theodore K. Janacek was recently named Officer Instructor of the Year at Naval Submarine School in Groton, Conn. . . . Norm Markert sends news that he and his wife Mary have a new daughter, Megan Elizabeth, who was born on August 15, 1995. "Friends are welcome to visit us in California," he adds. The family lives in Laguna Niguel.


George Barnes reports that he and his wife, Alice Irwin Barnes '85, spent a week in Aruba to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary this year. "In October 1995, we welcomed our second daughter into the family when Caitlin Jeanne was born. She joins Ella Corinne, who was born September 23, 1993." George is vice president for sales and marketing with Galaxy of Graphics, a New York-based publisher of lithographs. Alice is in her 12th year with Fairchild Publications, a part of the Disney family. She is responsible for all promotional advertising for Daily News Record, Children's Business, and Footwear News. . . . Shawn M. Cali relinquished command of the USS Tempest in June and was awarded a meritorious service medal. Cali is currently attending the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kans. . . . Stefan Chevalier writes, "1996 has been a year of significant change for me. I was married to a wonderful young lady, Debbie, on May 4th. Phil McKinley and wife and Russ Rogers '85 and wife Nancy were able to celebrate with us. I completed my general surgery training and have started a plastic surgery fellowship in Camden, N.J. Hope to hear from all soon." . . . Andrew Gordon writes that he and his wife, Christine, celebrated their three-year anniversary in Glacier National Park in Montana. . . . Immanuel Ho '88M (MD) is assistant clinical professor of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology at the Brooklyn Hospital Center of the New York University School of Medicine. . . . Mark Lippman '85 (Mas) has opened a restaurant in Oxon Hill, Md., called Blues City Barbeque.


Alice Irwin Barnes (see '84). . . . Ellin Baumel was featured in an article in the Wheeling, W.V., Sunday News-Register in June. Baumel, a film producer, was preparing at the time to shoot a full-length feature film in Wheeling in August. The film, Whatever, is about the coming of age of two teenage girls in New Jersey. According to the article, Baumel has been a line producer for A La Carte Films, an executive producer for MTV Productions, director of programming and production for Paramount Pictures' domestic television division, and co-producer of projects for American Playhouse and VH-1. . . . Debra Olarsch Denson and Paul Denson '83 write they "are thrilled to announce the birth of their daughter, Claire Isabella, on September 4, 1996. Claire joins brother Benjamin Myles, born on February 12, 1994." . . . Sharmila Mathur Fowler sends news, "My husband Bill and I became the proud parents of John Nikhil on January 29, 1996. Coincidentally, this was three weeks after Margie Goon Davis '85 and her husband Stuart gave birth to Tyler James. The two 'future roommates' finally met over Labor Day weekend.". . . Paul Greenberg and his wife, Renée Goldberg, write they are pleased to announce the birth of Jacob on July 26, 1996. . . . John F. Holmes is a student at Naval Postgraduate School. . . . S. Jeffrey Kantounis reports that he and his wife, Debra, are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Stratos John, on November 24, 1995. Jeff is vice president and manager of safety services at American Risk Consultant and was recently nominated as Safety Professional of the Year. . . . Navy Lt. Michael S. Murphy in July participated in a joint task force exercise in the Mediterranean with Spanish military forces. Murphy serves on the staff of the admiral in charge of U.S. naval forces in the Mediterranean. . . . Pauline Walker writes, "I've been in northern Virginia for almost 10 years but get back to Rochester often. I am always in touch with my Ra-cha-cha friends. I miss Nick's & Sal's, the Dead End Pub, real Buffalo wings, and a city that knows snow." . . . Nancy DeKimpe Wilson writes, "We moved to New Mexico in September 1995 and Keith began working as a scientist for the Army. He was transferred in April 1996 to Maryland, where we now live. We've bought a house and have had our second child. Annalee DeKimpe Wilson was born on June 7, 1996. We've been quite busy, but are very happy!"


In August, Mark Chazen '91M (MD) wrote that he and his wife, Barbara Sue Davidson '88, '89 (Mas), were expecting their second child in September. He writes, "Our daughter Shoshana is now 2 and loves to swim and drive her Little Tikes pickup truck. I am in my chief resident year in urology at SUNY Buffalo. Next year I hope to go into private practice. Barbara is working for a small engineering firm here." . . . Rodnell Claboine married Yuka Kaji in Washington, D.C., on July 28, 1996. Kaji is a native of Kyoto, Japan. . . . Navy Lt. Peter C. DeMane in July returned from six months' service in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean aboard the USS John S. McCain. DeMane is stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. . . . Karen J. de Ridder received her J.D. from New England School of Law in May. . . . Mark R. Garber and Mary-Frances Pizzimenti Garber write they are "happy to announce the arrival of Claudia Grace on May 20, 1996. Claudia has a big sister, Olivia, age 2. Now we have two girls to love!" . . . John Illig has been named head coach of women's tennis and squash at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Illig had been head coach of these teams at Colby College. . . . Cary Immesoete and Christine-Ann Bess Immesoete '90E (Mas) wrote to announce the birth of their son, Cameron Scott, on June 30, 1996. . . . David Kozody says, "My wife, Kristen, and I are happy to announce the birth of Olivia Grace on March 20, 1996. We live in Fairport, N.Y." . . . Patrick Luther is a management consultant with Deloitte & Touche in Cromwell, Conn. . . . Rhonda Adleman Magier writes, "My husband, Howard, and I joyfully announce the birth of our daughter, Erica Danielle, on June 10, 1996. Erica was welcomed by her brother, Adam, age 2." . . . Colleen Kiernan Nye works in process engineering for Shipley Company in Marlboro, Mass. . . . Elizabeth Reinhardt married Christopher Noe '96S (PhD) on August 4, 1996, in Tarrytown, N.Y. Elizabeth writes, "In attendance from the Class of 1986 were: Kim Allen, Mim Cohen, Edie Davidson, Adam Greene, Bruce Hamann, Paul Hubel, Tom Mitchell, Chris Joor Mitchell, Ron Pearsall, Lee Vardakas, Susan Ehrenfried Ward, Sandy Weiss, Stuart Wright, and Jennifer Teahan Wright. Mara Reinhardt '89 was the maid of honor." Elizabeth is a vice president of human resources at Citibank in New York City and Chris is a product manager at Block Drug Company in Jersey City, N.J. . . . Robert R. Stephenson received his J.D. in June from the Dickinson School of Law in Carlisle, Pa. . . . Sheila O'Grady Stille writes, "I got married in October 1995 to Christopher Stille. He is a pediatrician who will be doing a general pediatric fellowship at the University of Connecticut. I am a dentist and will be practicing in Hamden, Conn. I graduated from the University of Connecticut Dental School in 1991. What has happened to the biochemistry class of 1985?" . . . Helena Stolka (see After Words). . . . Jennifer Kirsh Wink and her husband, Jim Wink, had a son, Jacob Michael, in June 1996. . . . U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Capt. George Wunder married Eileen Jensen on August 17, 1996, in Rochester. The reception was held at the University's Faculty Club. Alumni present included Marine Capt. Jim Cavagnaro '94 (Mas), Mike "Butch" Cassidy, Brian Regan, Ed Kevelson '88, Steve Korn '87, Mark Meringolo '87, and Charlie Henneman '87. Wunder is an assistant basketball coach at San Francisco State University.


10TH REUNION, OCTOBER 17-19, 1997

Susan Yesley Awad and William M. Awad III '88 announce the birth of their son, Aaron Matthew Awad, who joins his 3-year-old brother, Will. . . . Nancy Berry Bond '78 reports that "Chris Bond and Laura Hollenbeck Bond '90 were married July 20, 1996, in Boston. The University was well represented at the event: Patty Gorton '90 was the maid of honor and Anna Azrael '90 and Georgianne Kirchner '88 were bridesmaids. Bryan Bond '91, '96S (MBA) was the best man and Tim Crocker and Mike DeMarco were ushers. Guests at the wedding included Erick Bond '79 (PhD), Seth Stier, Tim Dunn '86, Pam Gutterman Crocker '86, Jim Taylor, Chris Kilian, Stan Malanoski, Jim Ferrari, Mary Ellen Gullo McDevitt '89, Mike Candela '89, Maria Marzocchi '90, Mike Ofsie '90, Melissa Nagle Wetzler '90, Ron Battaglia '89, Paula Ladin '91, and Eric Moses '91." . . . Philip Harriman is director of academic computing at the College of Wooster in Ohio. He and his wife, Karin, have two boys, Sean, 6, and Blake, 3. . . . Charlie Henneman (see '86). . . . Steve Korn (see '86). . . . Mark Meringolo (see '86). . . . Ellen Satloff Miller and Jeffrey Miller write in to announce the birth of their twin sons, Maxwell Arnold and Jacob Dean, on June 1, 1996. . . . Julie Petronio sends in an e-mail note, "I would like to announce my engagement to Tom Fisher, an electrical engineer at Eastman Kodak Company. We will be married on August 23, 1997, in Rochester. I now work for Johnson & Johnson Clinical Diagnostics in Rochester and have been promoted to Americas Region Technical Support Specialist for the blood-analyzer product.". . . Navy Lt. Robert D. Sallade in August completed a six-month deployment aboard the USS Trenton, which was stationed off the coast of West Africa to provide protection to American citizens and the American Embassy in Monrovia, Liberia. Sallade is now stationed in Norfolk, Va. . . . Steve Sokach writes, "My wife, Jeriann, and I are proud to announce the birth of our second daughter, Stephanie Ann, on July 20, 1996. Stephanie's big sister, Carly, was 3 on July 1." . . . Chuck Spiteri '96S (MBA) writes, "I completed my Simon MBA in finance and information systems. I'm continuing to work at Xerox Corp. and reside in the village of Fairport with my wife, Pam." . . . Christina Sutton Stevens '95S (MBA) (see '82). . . . Timothy Vogelman (see '88). . . . Mark Weber writes in his newsletter, "The most exciting news of 1995-96 was the birth of our first child, Theodore Mark Andrzejewski Weber." Also in 1996, Weber won a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, which will fund Weber's composition of a new work for Cello, a New York-based cello quartet.


William M. Awad III (see '87). . . . Erik Cliette is working with an injury prevention program in New York City called the Urban Youth Bike Corps. He writes, "I would like to send a shout out to all my fraternity brothers (Alpha Phi Alpha, Mu Sigma chapter) and a special hello to Arti Patel." . . . Josh Cobb reports that he recently left IBM to go to Kodak Research in Rochester. Cobb's children's book, Light Action! Amazing Experiments with Optics, was published by Harper Collins in 1993. In 1994 Cobb married Judy Jensen. . . . Barbara Sue Davidson (see '86). . . . Leila Farzan Leoncavallo reports, "On June 22, 1996, I married Nick Leoncavallo in my hometown of Buffalo, N.Y. My bridesmaids included Kathleen Norris Buckley, Amy Sinensky '89, and Donna Sinensky Ferrero '89. Also in attendance were Dana Nanavati, Tim Sullivan, Sandra Gould Wartski, Kristin Rush '89, Ella Krzanowicz, and Sean Buckley '89S (MBA). Nick and I live in Arlington, Va. I am currently an attorney with the Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington, D.C.". . . Mindi Barth Maline in July wrote, "My husband and I are expecting our first baby around October 8. We also recently bought a new house in Fairfax, Va." . . . Douglas T. McGetchin is in the Ph.D. program in modern European history at the University of California at San Diego. "I will be working this year as a teaching assistant in the Revelle College Humanities writing program. This past summer I spent nine weeks in Europe, six of them studying German on an academic scholarship. Positive memories of UR had everything to do with my decision to re-enter academia," McGetchin writes. . . . Ojas P. Mehta writes, "My wife, Viraj Shroff-Mehta, and I have moved back to Rochester because Viraj started her dermatology residency at Strong Memorial Hospital in July." . . . Kathleen Ramarge Morien reports that she and her husband, Steve Morien, moved to Corpus Christi, Tex., in August, "courtesy of the U.S. Navy. We are expecting our first baby in early December," she says. . . . Andrea Nahman Penczak sends a note, "On July 5th, 1996, I married Major Gregory Penczak, USMC. Rochester grads in attendance included Nancy DeBole Haag '87, Gene Haag, Dawn Dugan York '87, and Kevin York '87. I received my B.S.N. from SUNY Stony Brook in 1994 and currently work at North Shore University Hospital as a cardiac nurse. My husband recently retired from the Marine Corps and will start work at Lincoln High School, Yonkers, as a Junior ROTC instructor. Hi to all my Kappa Delta sisters. It's been a long time. Get in touch if you're ever on Long Island." . . . Susan Hendrickson Vogelman writes that she and her husband, Timothy Vogelman '87, proudly announce the birth of their son, Timothy John, on April 17, 1996. She reports they are still living in Newton, Conn., and would love to hear from other local alumni. . . . Navy Lt. Jerome Zinni recently received his master's degree from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, Calif.


Patricia Amico Feck married Mathew Feck '95S (MBA) on November 25, 1995, in Pittsford. Patricia is a financial analyst for Comstock Michigan Fruit and Mathew is a financial analyst for Xerox in Rochester. . . . Kevin E. Gordon sent e-mail to report that in September 1994 he began working for AT&T Capital Leading Services as a systems administrator. On June 15, 1996, he married Melanie Little, in Smyrna, Ga. and "gained a 9-year-old stepson, James!". . . Mara Reinhardt (see '86). . . . John R. True received a Ph.D. from Duke University in June 1996.


Jose A. Ayala is an associate buyer for Tiffany & Company in New York City. . . . Laura Hollenbeck Bond (see '87). . . . Marine 1st Lt. Ronald C. Braney is stationed at Marine Corps Reserve Support Command in Kansas City, Mo. . . . Richard L. Gengenbach, Jr. sent this e-mail note to the Alumni Association home page: "JUST started my own computer-consulting firm in the metro D.C. area--I/S TeamBuilders, Inc. Having fun and missing the good old days at UR.". . . Jennifer Gordon is an account supervisor with DDB Needham Worldwide, an advertising agency in New York City. . . . Andrew Greenwood (see '91). . . . Adam Konowe reports he married Yael Cohen, a graphic designer from Greenbelt, Md., on July 20, 1996. They live in Reston, Va. . . . Paul T. Marciano married Jenny P. Spiccia on June 1, 1996, in Glenview, Ill. Marciano, who received his M.D. from the University of Buffalo, is a resident in podiatry at Houston Podiatric Foundation. . . . Alicia S. McDonnell has joined the staff of the Suffolk County District Attorney, which serves Boston and the surrounding area. McDonnell received her J.D. from Washington University School of Law. . . . Rhona Joy Moore reports that she married Andrew J. Webb on November 6, 1993, and is currently working as an Internet task systems engineer for NASA in Washington, D.C. . . . Navy Lt. Mark W. Naso in July received the Air Medal for service in the Persian Gulf aboard the USS Lincoln. . . . In August, Geoffrey Stewart wrote to report he is "still teaching theater at the Windsor School in Boston. As of this writing, I am playing Cinderella's Prince in Into the Woods at the Publick Theatre in Boston." Stewart's daughter, Kayleigh, was born on February 21, 1996.



Osie Barden is a portfolio accountant at Lazard Freres in New York City. Barden received an M.B.A. in finance from Pace University in January 1996. . . . Karen Bosak writes, "After running my first marathon in 1992, I decided to make a career move from mechanical engineering. I became a certified personal trainer and in August 1996, I received an M.S. in physiology. Currently, I am building a diagnostic tool for the detection of genetic diseases and pathogens, and will receive a Ph.D. in biology sometime in 1997." . . . Renée Denise Cohn '93W (Mas) is studying clinical psychology at the University of Hartford in Connecticut. . . . Elisa M. David is a resettlement program manager for Catholic Charities Refugee and Immigration Services in Somerville, Mass. . . . Tim Gillard is an international accounts representative with New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc., in Newton, Mass. . . . Monica Arnow Greenwood '91 writes, "My husband Andrew Greenwood '90 and I celebrated our three-year anniversary on September 26, 1996. We'll be getting out of the Navy in January and probably leaving the Virginia Beach area. We'll go anywhere along a coast!". . . Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Paul V. Hartley recently completed six months of service aboard the USS Nimitz in the Persian Gulf. Hartley is stationed in Bremerton, Wash. . . . Carol Henderson reports she is halfway through residency in emergency medicine. She writes, "I'm engaged with wedding planned for September 6, 1997, in Albany, N.Y. Scary, isn't it?" . . . Sylvia J. Hysong writes, "Well, folks, I'm at it again! After two years of working at NASA (no, I wasn't a fed, just a lowly contractor), I quit my job last year to do the Ph.D. thing. I'm now in my second year at Rice University in Houston. Hope these next three years are short and sweet!" . . . Devin Mack reports he is married and living in Rochester, working for Bausch & Lomb Ray-Ban. . . . Stefanie Baker Mittman and Brian Mittman write to "proudly announce their beautiful, wonderful son, Noah Ari, born on April 20, 1996. The happy family resides in Brooklyn Heights. Brian is an attorney in Manhattan and Stefanie is a full-time mommy!" . . . John Harrison Wheeler received a doctor of osteopathic medicine degree in June from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He began an internship at the Graduate Health System at City Avenue Hospital in Philadelphia.


5TH REUNION, OCTOBER 17-19, 1997

Jennifer Barlow writes, "I got married three years ago to Chris Coleman (who attended the University from 1988-90) and am currently living in New York City pursuing a Ph.D. in neurobiology at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. I am hoping to finish up next fall." . . . Nicole Black is an assistant public defender with the Monroe County Public Defender's Office. . . . Sara Cutler Cohen married Jeffrey Cohen on August 10, 1996. Stacey Alster and Alexa Kule were bridesmaids. . . . Deb Derylak (see '93). . . . Christine Ellison married Richard Colaluca on June 15, 1996. "We honeymooned on Nantucket Island and are residing in Rochester," she writes. Christine works at Strong Memorial Hospital and Richard is employed by Vander Mallie Insurance. . . . Leslie Firtell sends word, "I graduated from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in June of 1996. I also published a note on the US-UK Supplemental Extradition Treaty which can be found in the Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law. I will be practicing law in New York City. I would also like to congratulate Jackie Cohen and Dino La Fiandra '91, '92 (Mas) on their marriage on September 1, 1996.". . . Adam Gross is a banker with J.P. Morgan & Co. in New York City. . . . Deborah P. Joseph is a physician with the Wellington Regional Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Fla. . . . Alexa Kule and Rick Gashler were married on October 5, 1996, in New York City. Sara Cutler, Marcia Gelbart, and Michelle Francis '93 served as bridesmaids. . . . Chin Man reports that LinkAge Online Limited, the firm he founded in October 1994, is now the leading corporate Internet solution provider in Hong Kong, with over 30 percent market share. . . . Navy Lt. Stephen M. Marciniak recently participated in a maritime exercise with military from Chile, Canada, Australia, Korea, and Japan. Marciniak serves aboard the USS Bunker Hill, which has a home port of Yokosuka, Japan. . . . Eric Moskowitz writes, "I am working as a reporter for SmartMoney magazine in New York City and living in Park Slope, Brooklyn." . . . Michael Rinzel sent this e-mail message to the Alumni Association home page: "Currently I serve as the director of project development at Pseudo Programs, Inc., a leading online entertainment company based in New York City. Before that I was a product manager at Prodigy Services Company and a senior analyst and editor at Jupiter Communications, both in New York. I live in Greenwich Village.". . . Trevor Sanford is a law student at American University. "I recently married Amy Salamone '95 and we live in Washington, D.C." . . . Navy Lt. Michael S. Sullivan recently graduated from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md., and was commissioned to his current rank. . . . Matthew C. Wagner earned his J.D. degree from Western New England College School of Law in May.


4TH REUNION, OCTOBER 17-19, 1997

Marine 1st Lt. George S. Benson left in August for a four-month deployment in South America aboard the USS La Moure County. . . . Matthew C. Bracco received a J.D. from the New York Law School in June. . . . Jason A. D'Amico received the J.D. degree from Duke University in June. . . . Traci Dudzic McCabe '94 (Mas) and her husband, Rob, recently celebrated their second anniversary "and we're living in Westford, Mass. I am enjoying my job as a school counselor at an elementary school. Message to Paul: 'Buzzzzz . . . They're coming.' ". . . Kenneth Suzan reports he completed his studies at Albany Law School of Union University and has moved to New York City to attend the New York University School of Law for a L.L.M. degree in trade regulation. . . . Kara Gay Tompkins Whipp writes, "I was married to Brian M. Whipp on September 28, 1996, at the Interfaith Chapel. Ellie A. Straley was one of my bridesmaids and Mary Miller Knight and Deb Derylak '92 were in attendance."


3RD REUNION, OCTOBER 17-19, 1997

Christopher K. Butler married Karin M. Yager. The Butlers live in Lansing, Mich. . . . Sharon Ingram Chin reports she began study at Santa Clara Law School this fall. She writes, "Drop Martin and Sharon a line at" . . . Pamela Collins is a research technologist at the Children's Hospital in Seattle, Wash. . . . Genivieve Davis reports via e-mail to the Alumni Association home page, "Since graduating, I joined the staff at A. P. Products Ltd., manufacturers of ethnic hair-care products. Our three product lines are All Ways Natural (including 911 products), African Pride, and Ginseng Miracle. I work as an assistant to the vice president of sales. In the sales office, it is our job to make sure that the 25-plus sales reps and merchandisers in the field have everything they need to perform their jobs, from presentations to promotional materials. I transferred from our New Rochelle, N.Y., corporate headquarters to Jacksonville, Fla., in August 1995 and although I'm loving every minute of it, I still miss Rochester sometimes.". . . Kristoffer Fici married Amy Levine on June 1, 1996. . . . Nina Goodman is studying at Johns Hopkins. . . . Kevin M. Olson received an M.S. from Duke University in June. . . . Anup Sharma is an electrical engineer with Sun Microsystems in Mountain View, Calif. . . . Dennis Tucker (see Class Acts). . . . Michael Vogler works as an account representative for Minolta Business Systems, Inc., in Lanham, Md. . . . Loan Chu Yip is a second-year student at Boston University School of Law.

When the Review last caught up with David Horowitz '95 and Nick Sivakumaran '95, they had won the LifeStyles Condoms' "Condoms and Safer Sex in the '90s" video contest. Their entry was aired on MTV and Comedy Central in the fall of '95. Now, the two have collaborated on an independent feature film entitled Niche, chronicling the lives of a group of college graduates and their friends as they try to find their niche in life. Members of the crew paused during filming at Rush Rhees Library last August for this photo. Pictured above are (clockwise from bottom left) Chris Swartz '95, Sivakumaran, Tuey Tran '95, Branislav Bala '96, Horowitz, Paul Sargent '95, and Leotis Sanders '95, who is currently a graduate student at the University.


2ND REUNION, OCTOBER 17-19, 1997

Class Correspondent
David Thiel
620 Park Avenue, Suite 177
Rochester, NY 14607
(716) 242-8759

Kapil Agrawal is working on a graduate degree in chemical engineering at Princeton University. . . . Patrick J. Andrews is in management training with Barnes & Noble Bookstores in Rochester. . . . Elizabeth A. Bamrick is completing a master's degree in social science and history at the University of Chicago. . . . Fred Beer, Damir Saracevic, and David Thiel (see Class Acts). . . . Louisa Benitez participated in the Stand for Children March in Washington, D.C., in June. Benitez is a preschool teacher at St. Andrews by the Sea, an Episcopal church in San Diego, Calif. She reports that Thomas Matthews was also involved in the rally. . . . Chin Hong Cheah is a design engineer with Intel Corporation in Arizona. . . . Rebecca Chertok is currently living in New York after recently returning from Israel, where she lived last year. . . . Susan E. Fisher is doing graduate study in history and sociology of science at the University of Pennsylvania. . . . Paul Gadue is in the Ph.D. program in immunology at the University of Pennsylvania. . . . Lisa Graf is studying industrial and organizational psychology at Ohio University. . . . Maria Hall and her husband, Charles, and their daughters, Amy and Susan, were all members of the cast of the Hill Cumorah Pageant in Palmyra, N.Y., in July. The family was featured in an article in the Irondequoit Press at the time of the pageant. Hall, a social worker at Berkshire Farms, is planning to enter law school. . . . Jody L. Jacobs writes, "Rochester has a strong Virginia, Maryland, and D.C. presence. Any alums in the area, write me and I will make sure you are connected." . . . Christopher R. Jalbert is studying at the University's School of Medicine and Dentistry. . . . Janine Jurkowski is attending Boston University School of Public Health in the School of Medicine. Her concentrations are health law and social and behavioral sciences. . . . Rosann Konecny is a graduate student in chemical engineering at Johns Hopkins University. . . . Srilakshmi Maguluri is studying medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark. . . . Monica McKinsey reports she is a "professional student" pursuing a degree in medicine at Temple University School of Medicine. . . . Catherine A. Meleca is a Spanish teacher at Cranbrook Schools in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. She is planning to be married at the Interfaith Chapel at the University in the summer of 1997. . . . Kyong Chu Min is doing graduate work at Dallas Theological Seminary in Texas. . . . David Montague is working towards an M.B.A. at the Simon School at the University. . . . Grace Najarian is working for the law firm of Riker, Danzia, Scherer, Hyland & Peretti in New Jersey. . . . Dmitry Netis is a staff design engineer with IBM Microelectronics Corp. in Hopewell Junction, N.Y. . . . William Oliver is doing graduate work in electrical engineering and computer science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. . . . Shilpa Patel is studying medicine at St. George's University School of Medicine in Grenada, West Indies. . . . Shakeel Peera is a product marketing engineer with AT&T Microelectronics in Allentown, Pa. . . . Scott A. Rasche works for Ameritech New Media in Naperville, Ill., as an electrical engineer. . . . Natalie Skirko Rasha married Darwin H. Rasha, Jr. on August 17, 1996. She is a graduate student in chemical engineering at the University. . . . Barbara Roman writes, "I am now living in Georgia and am a library assistant in the DeKalb College Learning Resource Center." . . . Amy Salamone (see '92). . . . Brian Schneider is a graduate student in biology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. . . . David Schneider e-mails this note: "It is official! I finally graduated this past May. It's not quantity, remember, it's quality.". . . . Allison M. Seidberg is studying health administration at Cornell University. . . . Carrie Troup is an open enrollment representative with PTS Learning Systems in King of Prussia, Pa. . . . Abe Walters is a sales engineer with Boston Advanced Technologies in Marlboro, Mass. . . . Peter Witzleb is an analyst/ programmer at the University. . . . Alex Chung Hang Yip is a second-year law student at Boston College.


1ST REUNION, OCTOBER 17-19, 1997

Sara DeLameter is engaged to marry Jamison Scotto. DeLameter is attending the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. . . . Rachel Dickler is in the master's program at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in New York City. . . . Alex Helderman is attending Vanderbilt University School of Law. . . . Arthur J. Meconi III is an engineer in the optical assembly and testing department at SVG Lithography Systems, Inc., in Wilton, Conn. . . . Tatana Whetstone Todd writes that she married Matthew Todd on March 4, 1996, and is now teaching history and Spanish at National Christian Academy in the Washington, D.C., area.

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Last updated 12-16-1996      (jc)