The Rochester Review, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, USA
University of Rochester

University of Rochester

Any of the gift options summarized below could enable you to accomplish both personal financial and philanthropic objectives.

Outright transfer of your home

    The highest possible tax deduction

Bargain sale

    Tax deduction

    A check from the University
    for the purchase of your home

Charitable trust

    Tax deduction

    Lifetime income from the University

Gift of residence with retained life use

    No change in lifestyle

    Tax deduction

    Reduced estate taxes

To make things easy for donors, the University will work with attorneys and real estate agents. In all cases, the donor decides when to leave the home or property. For details, call Jack Kreckel at (800) 635-4672 or (716) 273-5891, e-mail write him at the University of Rochester, Office of Planned Giving, 685 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620. All correspondence is handled in confidence.

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