University of Rochester


Kowalke Appointed to Turner Professorship

Kim Kowalke, chair of the Department of Music in the College and an internationally known authority on composer Kurt Weill, has been named the Richard L. Turner Professor of Humanities.

Kowalke, who also is professor of musicology at the Eastman School of Music, joined the faculty in 1986 as professor of music and chair of the music program.

The editor of two books of essays about Weill and a book of letters of Weill and his wife, Lotte Lenya, Kowalke is the author of Kurt Weill in Europe, which won Yale University’s Theron Rockwell Field Prize in the Humanities.

The Turner chair was established in 1988 by Nancy Turner in honor of her husband, a former president and chief executive officer of Schlegel Corp. The five-year appointment is given to a distinguished humanist and professor in the College who shares Turner’s broad view of scholarship and the world.