University of Rochester

Commencement 2005

Spring Honorees

Invited guests recognized during Commencement ceremonies this spring included Robert Wegman, chairman of Wegmans Food Markets; Donna Lopiano, executive director of the Women’s Sports Foundation; and Luigi Lucherini, mayor of the city of Arezzo in Italy. The three were selected to receive honorary degrees during the ceremony for the College of Arts, Sciences, and Engineering last May.

Receiving the Eastman Medal during the College ceremony was Carl Schramm, president and chief executive officer of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Selected for undergraduate teaching awards were Jack Mottley, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, and Jeffrey Tucker, assistant professor of English.

Donald (D.A.) Henderson ’54M (MD), who directed the World Health Organization’s global smallpox eradication campaign, received the Hutchison Medal.

Harriet Kitzman, the Loretta C. Ford Professor of Nursing, and Eby Friedman, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, received graduate teaching awards; and Kenneth French ’78S (MBA), ’83S (PhD), the Carle E. and Catherine M. Heidt Professor of Finance at Dartmouth College, and Edward Grabowski ’65 (PhD), who retired last year as vice president of chemistry at Merck and Co., received distinguished scholar awards.

Look for more on Commencement in the fall issue of Review.