University of Rochester


Seligman Appoints Chief Advancement Officer

James Thompson

An educational executive credited with playing a pivotal role in helping Washington University in St. Louis complete a $1.55 billion campaign has been named Rochester’s chief advancement officer.

James D. Thompson, the former associate vice chancellor for development at Washington University, will assume the duties of senior vice president and chief advancement officer at Rochester in September.

“I cannot overstate how delighted I am that Jim will be joining us,” said President Joel Seligman. “As his colleague at Washington University, I was very impressed by the high regard members of that academic community have had for Jim’s thoughtful and methodical approach to the art and science of fundraising.”

At Rochester, Thompson will oversee a newly invigorated effort to develop financial resources for the University.

Associate vice chancellor since 1997 and a development officer at Washington University since 1991, Thompson also has served as a senior director of university development at Syracuse University and as executive director of institutional development and college relations at Lindenwood College, where he earned his bachelor’s degree and then began his career.