University of Rochester

Rochester in the News

“Aspiring for a lot of material goods is actually unhappiness-producing. People who value material good and wealth also are people who are treading more heavily on the earth—and not getting happier.” —Richard Ryan, professor of clinical and social psychology, commenting in the Christian Science Monitor on a recent study suggesting that inhabitants of some of the world’s richest countries are experiencing stagnant or downward trends in happiness.


“My concern is the larger signal to the marketplace about what education should cost.” —Jonathan Burdick, dean of admissions and financial aid, discussing the implications of Harvard’s announcement that it would overhaul its financial aid policies in a move intended to lessen the burden on lower and middle income families. Burdick noted that because tuition covers only part of the full cost of educating each student, universities with substantial endowments can make up the difference when they expand aid formulas, something less wealthy institutions can’t afford to do.

Chronicle of Higher Education

“We’re trying to give our students tools that they will use to make the road to success in music a little smoother. To be successful, you can’t just be a good player. You have to have some entrepreneurial savvy.”—Ramon Ricker, senior associate dean for professional studies at the Eastman School, describing his class Entrepreneurship in Music, which teaches students about business entities, contracts, and filing taxes as a freelance musician.

CBS News

“A lot of information suggests that in-utero exposures can lead to longlasting effects in children. Women who smoke during pregnancy have children who are heavier, so maternal patterns can affect a child’s weight. Whether the cause is altered metabolism or something else, it is a very real concern.”—Stephen Cook, assistant professor of pediatrics, discussing research suggesting that women who eat junk food during pregnancy and while breastfeeding have obesity-prone children.


“There are numerous parenting books telling parents what to expect when they’re pregnant. But once a baby is born, an astonishing number of parents are not only unsure of what to anticipate as their child develops, but are also uncertain of when, how, or how much they are to help their babies reach various milestones.”—Heather Paradis, departmental fellow in general pediatrics, explaining research she and colleagues conducted which showed that nearly a third of U.S. parents know little about typical infant development.

New York Times

“For 99-percent-plus of people, there probably isn’t harm. But if there is a group of people who might be at risk, they should at least have the knowledge that may be so.” —Karl Kieburtz, professor of neurology and of community and preventive medicine, assessing a new Food and Drug Administration precaution that silver dental fillings, which contain mercury, may pose a safety concern for pregnant women and young children.