University of Rochester

Rochester Review
January-February 2009
Vol. 71, No. 3

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River Campus Undergraduate 2000s


John Chambers married Siobhan McCabe on September 27, 2008, write his proud parents Bruce ’67 and Gail Suhre Chambers ’67, ’81 S (MBA), ’82 W (MS), ’87 W (PhD). John is helping develop the James Webb Space Telescope, which will replace the Hubble, as an optical engineer at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. . . . Susan Brandt Goldstein and her husband of five years, Jonathan Goldstein, send a photo announcing the birth of their twins, Bryan and Katherine, in February 2008. They live in Great Neck, N.Y.


Jaclyn Dalton sends a photo announcing her marriage to Ithaca College graduate Jason de Koff on September 3, 2006 in Zionsville, Ind. Alumni in attendance included (back row) Rebecca Gavett, Carolyn Waugh-Kincaid ’04, Melissa Dujnic, Jaclyn, Shanda Foe-Greco ’00, Elizabeth Whelan, Nusrat Rahman, and Anne Keller; (front row) Aurora Tai ’01, Dianne Patterson ’03, and Allison Spicher ’03. . . . Juliet Lloyd (see ’86). . . . Michael Stanczyk has joined the law firm of Gilberti Stinziano Heintz & Smith as an associate attorney.


Erin Bank notes that she has completed her PhD in pharmacology at Cornell University’s Weill Graduate School in Manhattan. She will be moving to Israel to begin a postdoctoral fellowship at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. . . . Jon Mahoney and Amy O’Byrne ’04 write to announce that they got engaged while vacationing in Namibia, Africa. The wedding is planned for August 2009 in Buffalo.


Amy O’Byrne (see ’03). . . . Michael (Spike) Dixon (see ’86). . . . Erik Gallant married Abigail Berkson on July 20, 2008, in Florence, Mass. Erik is a Web producer for in Springfield, Mass., and Abby, an Alfred University graduate, works for High Hollow Pottery and teaches ceramics to children. The couple lives in Northampton, Mass. . . . Brian Kim was appointed senior programmer at the software company My Health Inc.


David Hull sends a photo announcing his marriage to Tara Council on August 30, 2008, in Long Beach, Calif. The wedding party included James Patterson.