University of Rochester

Rochester Review
May-June 2009
Vol. 71, No. 5

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Carlin Gettliffe Entrepreneurship Boulder, Colo.
photo of gettliffe

Building the interest and resources to turn an idea into something concrete is gratifying for Carlin Gettliffe, who plans to use his self-designed degree in entrepreneurship to do that after graduation—in a big way.

“I don’t feel I have a cause at this point,” he says, “but I very strongly feel that I want to have a positive impact in the world. I am definitely interested in using business as a way of transforming things for the better.”

He’s got initiative. As a high-schooler back home in Boulder, Colo., he worked with gliders at a local airport in exchange for flying lessons and eventually earned his pilot’s license. In addition to founding the University’s Urban Exploring Club, a student group devoted to exploring and documenting Rochester’s urban sites, he founded ArtAwake, an annual spring art and music festival. He also is active with the Rochester Inter-Collegiate Council, a collaboration among student governments and groups from area campuses.

An entrepreneurial spirit requires networking, and for Gettliffe that has meant taking advantage of opportunities throughout the Rochester community.

“My experience here has been much richer and I’ve learned much more because I was able to step beyond campus,” he says.