University of Rochester

Rochester Review
November-December 2009
Vol. 72, No. 2

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In Review

Student Groups International Music
students ‘SOUL’-FUL SOUNDS: Hyun Min Yoo ’12, So Youn Park ’10, Caroline Hong ’10, and Julie Kim ’12—a few of the 33 members of the student club Hon, which means “soul” in Korean—demonstrate the instruments used in Poongmul, a traditional form of Korean music played on drums and gongs. The performers’ costumes signify the relationship between humans and nature, says group president Yeo Kyung Lee ’12. “The three straps represent the sky (blue), earth (yellow), and humans (red).” Together with the black and white tunics, the clothes are meant to reflect the Korean aesthetic tradition known as the “five colors.” Shown here early in the fall, the group, founded in 2007, performs an annual concert in the spring.