University of Rochester

Rochester Review
March–April 2010
Vol. 72, No. 4

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School of Medicine & dentistryMark Taubman Becomes Dean
berk_sideDEAN: A noted cardiologist and medical education leader, Taubman is the 10th dean of the medical school. (Photo: Brandon Vick)

The former chair of the Department of Medicine who served as acting CEO of the Medical Center for nine months is the new dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Mark Taubman, who came to the Medical Center as chief of the cardiology unit in 2003, is the school’s 10th dean. Effective March 1, the appointment follows this winter’s announcement that Bradford Berk ’81M (MD/PhD) is returning as CEO of the Medical Center after suffering a serious spinal cord injury last spring.

“Mark is the best possible choice for dean,” Berk said of Taubman’s appointment. “He is a physician-scientist who is active in the laboratory yet possesses a broad institutional view. As an active cardiologist, he also understands the challenges of practicing medicine.”

As chief of cardiology, Taubman was the guiding force behind the expansion of cardiac patient care services, faculty recruitment, strengthening treatments for those with heart arrhythmias and heart failure, adding new preventive cardiology programs, such as the women’s heart program, and forging strong regional services. Taubman also served as director of the Aab Cardiovascular Research Institute, which he helped Berk to found.

Taubman became chair of the Department of Medicine and the Charles E. Dewey Professor of Medicine in May 2007. As chair, he directed the Medical Center’s largest single department, overseeing a $150 million budget and more than 1,000 faculty and staff in 10 units devoted to patient care, research, and education. He named division chiefs, including general medicine, cardiology, hematology-oncology, endocrinology, and infectious disease.

In 2006, Taubman was named editor-in-chief of Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, one of five international medical journals published by the American Heart Association, and the leading journal in the field of vascular biology.

A graduate of New York University’s medical school, he interned at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital before completing his residency and cardiology fellowship training at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital. Taubman has held academic appointments at Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital Boston, and Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. Prior to being recruited to Rochester, he was director of cardiovascular research at Mt. Sinai.

Elizabeth McAnarney, the chair emerita of pediatrics, served as interim dean since June, when former dean David Guzick became senior vice president for health affairs at the University of Florida and president of the University of Florida health system.