University of Rochester

Rochester Review
March–April 2011
Vol. 73, No. 4

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School of Nursing


Miriam (Mimi) Johnson Breaux has published a book, Managing Everyday Stress: Practical Approaches for the Busy Person (, 2010). Mimi has retired from nursing and lives in San Diego, where she’s an independent stress management consultant specializing in mind-body and cognitive strategies.


April Bray Haberyan ’93 (MS), an associate professor of psychology at Northwest Missouri State University, has received the 2011 Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education. The award is presented annually to an outstanding faculty member from each of Missouri’s four-year higher education institutions. April earned her doctorate in social psychology from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 2003.


Nancy Watson (PhD), an associate professor at the School of Nursing and founding director of the school’s Elaine C. Hubbard Center for Nursing Research on Aging, was named a 2010 New York State Distinguished Nurse Researcher. Nancy was recognized for her research on improving the experience of elderly residents of long-term care facilities.


April Bray Haberyan (MS) (see ’89).


Elizabeth Heavey (MS) has published a book, Statistics for Nursing: A Practical Approach (Jones & Bartlett, 2010).