University of Rochester

Rochester Review
March–April 2011
Vol. 73, No. 4

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WORLD TRAVELERS ‘Forbidden’ View
travel (Photo: Alumni Relations)

SQUARED AWAY: A travel group featuring two dozen Rochester alumni poses outside the gate to the Forbidden City of Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, last fall during a stop of the Grand Journey: China tour, sponsored by Alumni Relations. Accompanying the group on the trip was Ellen Koskoff, a professor of musicology at the Eastman School who discussed China’s musical heritage. Alumni travelers included Robert ’69W (EdD) and Donna Carlson, Douglas Jones ’85M (Flw), Rosemary Utz ’79M (MD), David ’66 and Elaine Parker, Roger ’73 (Flw) and Patricia Mader, Claire Stukas ’58 (MS), and Richard and Susan Smith Westin ’67. Also joining the trip was Richard Moxley, a professor of neurology, and his wife, Joan. For more about Rochester’s travel programs, visit