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Class Notes

Blossoming in D.C.
blossom (Photo: Provided)

A spirited group of Washington, D.C., young alumni showed up at the 103rd Cherry Blossom Festival this spring. Posing against the backdrop of the Potomac River and the Jefferson Memorial are (back row, left to right) Brandon Podyma ’12, Aaron Rusheen ’14, Jonathan Johnson ’14, Mike Labanowski ’11, Nathan Novosel ’12, Adam Bossert ’13, Roshal Patel ’13, Jacob Epstein ’09, Sean Virgile ’10, Nazmia Alqadi Comrie ’08, Drew Comrie ’08, Eric Weissmann ’10; (front row, left to right) Laura Zimmermann ’11, Ruth Ann Scoles ’09, Jiore Craig ’13, David Nager-Sadoff ’10, ’11W (MS), Evan Siegel ’10, ’11W (MS), Chelsea Virgile ’12, and Colleen Fauerbach.