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Class Notes

Simon Business School

1980 Marty Stern (MBA) (see ’11 College).

1983 Panida Chotiyanon (MBA), a lecturer in finance at Thammasat University in Thailand, has coauthored The Changing Role of the Management Accountants: Becoming a Business Partner (Palgrave Macmillan). . . . George Roden (MBA) (see ’81 College).

2004 Jacqueline Spaulding (MBA) writes: “My husband, John, and I moved to our dream destination, Monterey, California. I’ve been with Fidelity Investments since 2014, have earned my CFP designation, and work with clients on retirement and financial planning. Every time I talk about the efficient frontier, or eat Wendy’s chili, I have fond memories of the late Professor Michael Barclay. Although I’m not retired yet, I feel as if I am every weekend, living in a vacation destination. I do not miss the Rochester winters!”

2010 Adrienne Bonham (MS) (see ’79 School of Medicine and Dentistry).

2012 Ben Witten (MS), ’13 (MBA) (see ’11 College).