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Class Notes

Graduate Arts, Sciences & Engineering

1960 Martha Beck Burton (MA) (see ’58 College).

1968 Bob Reeback (PhD) (see ’62 College).

1972 Daniel Walkowitz (PhD) (see ’64 College).

1974 Steven Landsburg (MA), a professor of economics at Rochester, has published Can You Outsmart an Economist? 100+ Puzzles to Train Your Brain (Houghton-Mifflin).

1983 Gary Gorton (PhD) and Ellis Tallman ’88 (PhD) have coauthored Fighting Financial Crises: Learning from the Past (University of Chicago Press). Gary holds the title of the Frederick Frank Class of 1954 Professor of Management and Finance at Yale School of Management, and Ellis is the executive vice president and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

1988 Ellis Tallman (PhD) (see ’83).

1991 Deb Howe Allen (MA) writes that she and Bob Dardano ’77 visited Iceland in October 2018 in “our seventh international adventure since 1993.” They enjoyed “viewing a number of waterfalls, geysers, and other geological wonders, as well as the Northern Lights.”

1993 Elizabeth Docteur (MS) (see ’90 College).

1996 Alan Hutson (PhD) is the lead principal investigator on a $6 million grant awarded to the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center by the Cancer Moonshot initiative of the National Cancer Institute. The grant will be used to establish a data management and resource-sharing center that will serve Roswell Park’s Immuno-Oncology Translational Network. Alan is the chair of biostatistics and bioinformatics at Roswell Park.

1997 Kelly Zou (PhD) writes: “I will be teaching a graduate evening course once a week, Applied Analytics Frameworks and Methods II, in the master’s degree in applied analytics program at Columbia University, as an adjunct faculty member both next spring and summer.”

2001 Dave King (MS) (see ’02 College).

2002 Jill Maney (PhD) has been named director of development for Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute. . . . Tim Pastore (MA) (see ’00 College).

2006 Dan Donaghy (PhD) has published a book of poetry, Somerset (NYQ Books), which he describes as “an elegy for the Kensington section of Philadelphia” in which he was raised. He’s a professor of English at Eastern Connecticut State University and Windham County, Connecticut’s first poet laureate.

2010 Nils Beese (MA) has published Writing Slums: Dublin, Dirt and Literature (Peter Lang). He completed a PhD in Irish literature from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

2015 Anthony (MS) and Deborah Cooper-Schifitto (MS) (see ’14 College).

2016 Amanda Preske (PhD) is a featured scientist in Super Cool Scientists #2: A Story and Coloring Book Celebrating Today’s Women in Science (CreateSpace) written by Sara MacSorley and illustrated by Yvonne Page. Since completing her doctorate in chemistry, Amanda writes, she has “become a full-time artist working with broken electronics.”

2017 Justin Winkler (PhD) joined the Institute for Defense Analyses as a research staff member in the institute’s operational evaluation division last August. IDA operates three federally funded research and development centers and provides analyses of national security and related issues that require scientific and technical expertise.