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Class Notes

INTERNATIONAL DATELINEParents Gather in Shanghai
shanghaiPARENT MEETING: A session in Shanghai offered parents a chance to meet with Rochester student services leaders—and pose for a photo. Pictured (from left) are parents Min Ge and Yi Fang; Caroline Butler ’09, director of the parents program; Joe Testani, assistant dean and executive director of the Gwen M. Greene Center for Career Education and Connections and associate vice provost for career education initiatives; parent Jianbin Hu; Molly Jolliff, director of international student engagement; and parent Wei Lu. (Photo: Provided)

More than 200 parents gathered for the fourth annual Chinese Parents Retreat in Shanghai last November. Organized by parents, the events are designed to give parents an opportunity to meet one another and with University leaders. Jeffrey Runner, dean of the College; Joseph Testani, assistant dean and executive director of the Gwen M. Greene Center for Career Education and Connections; and Molly Jolliff, director of international student engagement, highlighted University priorities and points of pride along with information about the United States and Chinese job markets as well as international services available to students and families. For more information about parent programs, visit