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Care in Quarantine As students faced quarantine on campus, staff members like Molly Morrison pitched in for a “collaborative effort to support our students.”

As director of international student engagement, Molly Morrison typically supports a sizable group of undergraduates who come from around the world. But once the pandemic hit, her efforts incorporated all students in the College.

As staff from Education Abroad helped students return from programs overseas, Morrison hastily arranged quarantines for the recalled students who were returning to campus. That experience helped her in the late summer, when she oversaw quarantining of new and returning students from areas on the New York State travel advisory.

“It was important to me that while we were quickly learning how to establish a quarantine center and infirmary, we considered how students’ mental and emotional needs were met during this extremely stressful and scary time,” Morrison says. “If I was particularly concerned about a student, I’d call or text them and answer whatever questions I could and provide a bit of comfort.”

She arranged for the delivery of snacks, yoga mats, blankets, toiletries, SIM cards, and other items and expanded the College’s Basic Needs Hub, which assists students with food, shelter, clothing, or academic supplies, to make it University wide. With donations from the University community, she organized the delivery of laptops, groceries, and emergency rent to students in need.

Morrison calls the last several months “a roller coaster” and says there are unsung heroes throughout the University. “There are heroic efforts happening behind the scenes across campus in departments like Facilities, Transportation, and Dining,” she says. “We couldn’t be doing any of this without them. This is a truly collaborative effort to support our students.”