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Scholarship Initiative Encourages Equity and Diversity University trustee establishes fundraising challenge to encourage new support.

Guided by one of the key pillars of the Together for Rochester campaign, Naveen Nataraj ’97 and his wife, Courtney, have established a $1 million effort to encourage potential donors to create new, endowed financial aid scholarships in support of the University’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals.

For each new endowed scholarship that qualifies, the Nataraj Challenge will add additional funding to the contributed value of that specific endowed scholarship. For instance, if a donor establishes an initial $100,000 scholarship, the Nataraj Challenge will add $50,000 to it, for a total value of $150,000.

The goal is to add at least 25 new endowed scholarships this year.

A member of the University’s Board of Trustees since 2019, Nataraj is a senior managing director of the corporate advisory business at Evercore, a global investment advisory firm.