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Teaching Gets a Hybrid Model As the fall semester got under way, faculty adjusted their courses and classrooms to emphasize safety for in-person instruction while providing remote access. Photographs by J. Adam Fenster
photo of a class at cobbs hill FACETIME CLASS: Elizabeth Garijo-Garde ’23 FaceTimes with classmate Ashley Wang ’22 during a trip to Rochester’s Cobbs Hill as part of a class led by Katrina Korfmacher, an associate professor of environmental medicine.
photo of a dance class DANCE STUDIO: Dance faculty member Kerfala (Fana) Bangoura and Missy Pfohl Smith, director of the Program of Dance and Movement, set up a Zoom option for remote students before Bangoura leads a West African dance class in person and remotely.
photo of a lecture class HYBRID LECTURE: Robert Minckley, a senior lecturer in the Department of Biology, leads a session in Lander Auditorium that offers a Zoom option for remote students, while students who attend in person wear masks and follow distance protocols to reduce capacity in the auditorium.
photo of a engineering class ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS: Graduate student Molly Over ’20 and mechanical engineering professor Chris Muir work with a clear board made by Christine Pratt, a senior technical associate, with plexiglass donated by Greg Gdowski, an associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering.
photo of a eastman rehearsal MUSIC & MASKS: With masks and other protocols in place, the Eastman School Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of conducting professor Neil Varon, and other ensembles rehearsed at the Eastman School of Music.