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Class Notes: 80 Years Out

A ‘Note’-Able MilestoneCentenarian John Manhold ’41 joins a special group of alumni this year as he celebrates eight decades as a Rochester graduate.
University of Rochester alumnus John Manhold and his wife, KitCAREER AWARD: Manhold, pictured with his wife, Kit, was recognized for his work as a dental reformer and pioneer by the Harvard School of Dental Medicine in 2014. (Photograph: Steve Gilbert/Studioflex Producations)

John Manhold ’41 has led a full life: accomplished dental researcher and professor, pathologist, Navy veteran, gifted sculptor, golfer, and competitive shooter.

University of Rochester alumnus John ManholdCAMPUS DATE: Manhold enrolled at Rochester in 1937. (University Libraries/Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation)

Manhold and his wife of 50 years, Kit, are adventurers who have sailed a large part of the Caribbean in their 42-foot yacht, Ketita II.

At 101 years old, Manhold this summer published a memoir of his life, a life that includes an 80-year membership in the University community.

As an 18-year-old first-year student in 1937, Manhold entered the University’s archives, where—from his admissions application—to a life of class notes and other materials—his achievements are documented.

“There is much to learn by looking at the past,” says Manhold. “My undergraduate education at Rochester prepared me well for a very full career and life. It helped me hone the skills needed to adapt to changing times, including changes in technology, society, and scholarship.”

Manhold notes in his essay, “When I was a small child, I decided that I should like to follow the medical profession. There is no apparent reason why I should decide in favor of this profession. However, as I have grown older, the desire has grown strongly and for this reason I hope to obtain from college all possible knowledge to help me gain my ambitions.”

At Rochester, Manhold was an English major and a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity. He was also a fencer, football player, and boxer, a pastime that also helped him pay his way through Harvard School of Dental Medicine.