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In Review

Optics History
Problem SetsPhotograph by J. Adam Fenster
University of Rochester alumni in the peace corpsOPTICAL ALLUSION: A note card from the collection of optical scientist Rudolf Kingslake poses a question that the founding faculty member of the Institute of Optics had prepared for exams.

Active in the institute for more than seven decades, Kingslake left the full-time faculty in 1937 to join Eastman Kodak, where he became internationally known for his work on the design of lenses and other optical research.

He continued to teach part time at the institute, where his classes attracted students such as Nobelist Donna Strickland ’89 (PhD).

The cards are part of a collection that Kingslake kept on exam questions and design ideas.

Kingslake died in 2003, just days after his wife, Hilda, who was a prominent figure in her own right in the optics community.