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The UR Student project timeline has been updated as of December 13th, 2019. Below you will find the go live dates, training periods, overview of functional release for each go live date and the high level scope of work.

The UR Student Go Live cutover approach is phased as follows (dates in red):


December, 2019 – Configure Academic Foundation and Student Records

Registrars will start maintaining course information in UR Student 

February, 2020 – Configure Student Records, Advising and Student Finance functionality

All financial activity related to the 2019-20 Financial Aid year to occur in the legacy SIS

Fall 2020 registration (late March / April) to occur in UR Student

Discussions still continue regarding where more specific business functions (grading, Advising, etc.) should be initiated

July, 2020 – Cutover the Student balance

All continuing Financial Aid activity (for summer) to be managed through the cutover balance

Fall 2020 charge assessment to run in early July

Scope of Work

Functional areas Implemented for Student Records and Student Finance.

  • Academic Foundation
  • Student Records
  • Academic Advising / Student Retention
  • Student Finance (including integration with Financial Aid)
  • Campus Engagement
  • Institutional Research
Audiences Impacted (excludes absolute SMD-MD audiences)
  • Registrars
  • Bursars
  • Advisors
  • Administrators
  • Faculty; Advisors and Instructors
  • Students
  • Individuals who use student information, or run student reports from SIS / Data Warehouse