
Curious Idea

In September Vintage UK is relaunching its Vintage Classics line, and to promote this, ten Vintage Twins will be made available.

A Vintage Twin—in case you’re wondering—“consists of two books: a specially designed limited edition of one modern classic title and one established classic work. The books have been carefully selected to provide a thought-provoking combination.”

Labeled accordingly, there’s a Vintage Lust Twin featuring Tom Jones and The Rachel Papers, a Fantasy Twin of Alice in Wonderland and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles, and a Satire Twin of Gulliver’s Travels and Atomised (aka The Elementary Particles), to name a few.

Interesting idea, especially since it’s a “2 for 1” deal and the “literary classic” is free. Not sure that this will act as a gateway drug hooking readers on the rest of the series, but there is something interesting about pairing books and highlighting the particular aesthetic, or style, or whatnot, linking a classic book and a contemporary one.

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