
Booker Longlist

We’re waiting patiently for the longlist for the Man Booker to be announced. It was supposed to be announced this afternoon, but it’s already 18:30 in the UK right now. I wonder what the hold up is.

edit: I checked again the second after I posted this message, and the list is now available on the site. Here is is:

  • Barker, Nicola Darkmans — Fourth Estate
  • Docx, Edward Self Help — Picador
  • Eng, Tan Twan The Gift Of Rain — Myrmidon
  • Enright, Anne The Gathering — Jonathan Cape
  • Hamid, Mohsin The Reluctant Fundamentalist — Hamish Hamilton
  • Ho Davies, Peter The Welsh Girl — Sceptre
  • Jones, Lloyd Mister Pip — John Murray
  • Lalwani, Nikita Gifted — Viking
  • McEwan, Ian On Chesil Beach — Jonathan Cape
  • O’Flynn, Catherine What Was Lost — Tindal Street
  • Redhill, Michael Consolation — William Heinemann
  • Sinha, Indra Animal’s People — Simon & Schuster
  • Wilson, A.N Winnie & Wolf — Hutchinson

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