
"By Royalties, We Mean Special Discounts on Purchases at Our Stores"

In an interesting move to energize its publishing program, Borders is holding a fiction writing contest for its 30,000 employees, with the winner receiving a book deal to have his/her book published by State Street Press.

The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2008, and Borders Group’s executive v-p for merchandising and marketing has high hopes for this contest:

Our employees are talented and creative individuals who have a tremendous passion for books, and we believe that there are many who also have undiscovered writing talent.

All this is true—I started in the book business working at Schuler Books and Music in Grand Rapids, MI, which is actually Borders Store #4, with a number of very talented writers—but if I were an author, I’d be a bit wary about having my book published by my corporate employer . . .

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