
Devil's Bible

From the New York Times:

For the first time in nearly 360 years Czechs had a chance yesterday to examine the “Codex Gigas” in their own land, Agence France-Presse reported. The “Codex Gigas,” or “Devil’s Bible,” a 13th-century, 624-page, 165-pound masterpiece, was once considered one of the eight wonders of the world. [. . .] Legend has it that the “Devil’s Bible” was the work of a monk condemned to be walled up alive for a grave crime. To escape slow death, he proposed to create a masterwork in a night, to bring glory to the Pozlazice monastery, in what is now the Czech Republic, and eradicate his sins. But to achieve his goal he had to seek help from the Devil, and in recognition of that aid included a illustration of his helper.

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