
Bienvenido a La Ciudad Letrada

For those of you who read Spanish, La Ciudad Letrada (The Lettered City) is a fresh take on literary blogging. This site combines fiction, essay, and miscellaneous bits of literature-focused writing into what feels like a cyber-downtown for lit addicts.

A few minutes of clicking brought me to Matías Esteban Ilivitsky’s paper recounting a debate between Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault as to whether “human nature” exists.

I also found a link to another blogger’s letter to Pablo Neruda, an interview with Elena Poniatowska, and some excerpts from Italo Calvino’s work.

Both academic – you’ll find, among other scholarly works, a paper titled “Traducción de poesía: forma, repetición y fantasma en el estudio comparado de traducciones de Emily Dickinson (Silvina Ocampo, Amelia Rosselli)” by Delfina Muschietti at the University of Buenos Aires – and entertaining, La Ciudad Letrada’s offerings are various enough to hold a bibliophile’s attention for the rest of the month.

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