
The Most Anticipated Galley of the Year?

I’ve been checking my mailbox every 5 minutes, hoping that this strange ritual will result in a ARC of Roberto Bolano’s 2666 mysteriously appearing . . .

It’s interesting to see how many posts have popped up about this galley. The most recent is from Michael Orthofer, who recaps some of the others and provides a few tantalizing tidbits about the book itself:

What can we tell you about it ? For a start, we like the promise of the epigraph, from Baudelaire:

“An oasis of horror in a desert of boredom.”

Part one of the five-part novel is: ‘The part about the critics.’

I can’t remember the last time that a galley of a 900-page book from a dead international author was getting so much hype . . . And by the way, the second this appears in my mailbox, I’m taking the next month off to read it non-stop . . . See ya’ll in July!

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