
This Thing Called Frankfurt

Another week, another excuse for the probably lack of posts after today. This afternoon I fly out to the Frankfurt Book Fair where I’ll mingle, chat, and drink with thousands of publishers, editors, agents, authors, etc. The fair is almost beyond description, and is indispensable for anyone interested in staying in touch with world literature. The sheer number of meetings from Wednesday through Sunday is almost overwhelming, not to mention the panels and presentations I’m planning on attending, and the long nights mingling at the Frankfurter Hof.

I’ll try to post daily about the fair (thankfully we’re not staying next to the murder field this year), although since I’m going to be officially writing about the Fair for the FBF newsletter and blog, I’m not sure how much time I’ll have available. Regardless, as soon as I figure out exactly where my articles (along with those of my fellow bloggers) will appear, I’ll put up a link. Should be an interesting (re: adrenaline filled and exhausting) week . . .

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