
And We Exhale . . .

OK, after ten days of book fairs and festivals in three countries, I’m finally back in Rochester . . . for the time being. The PEN World Voices Festival kicks off today in New York, and after our event here in Rochester on Thursday—a Reading and Conversation with Norwegian author Jan Kjaerstad (The Conqueror, The Discoverer) and Mark Binelli (Sacco and Vanzetti Must Die!)—I’ll be heading down to New York for the last couple days of panels, readings, etc.

Assuming I don’t come down with the swine flu tomorrow (how do viruses spread? Via people who travel from London to Rochester to Montreal to Rochester . . . ), I’ve got a lot of posts for this week, including a number about the London Book Fair and the Blue Metropolis Festival, and a few about new books that arrived while I was gone.

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