
Critical Flame

Daniel E. Pritchard has just launched The Critical Flame, a promising new online journal of book reviews and criticism with a goal of engaging with literature in a serious way:

A life of constant education is a life lived well, and the heart of our continued education is a public discourse that is free from small-minded influence, sanitation for the sake of weak wills, and cowardly censorship. With that in mind, we at The Critical Flame seek to clear a space in this wilderness that is the internet for articulate discussion and learned debate. We will make our convictions vulnerable to scrutiny, put aside our petty egotism, and engage with literature honestly, openly. Education is not only the facts and opinions conveyed, but also the manner in which we engage with the work at hand. We strive to be accurate, well-researched, and insightful, and to ensure that our reviews and criticism are tempered by mutual respect and, always, an unyielding respect for the work itself. (from the editor’s note)

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