
Indie Bookstore Pics (Part II)

Did I ever mention that I’m obsessed with Lost? I mean, this international lit thing is great, but right now, given the choice between writing a long post about Fernando del Paso’s News of the Empire or spending my lunch watching last night’s episode, I can safely say that you’ll be reading a long quote from del Paso’s epic novel much, much later this afternoon. (Sorry, god of literature! But damn, I want to find out “What Kate Does.”)

To indulge in my geekiness, here’s an awesome display that Kevin Elliott of Open Books in Chicago made for the books featured on Lost:

On a separate note, Open Books deserves its own post soon . . . From their “About” page:

Open Books IS: a nonprofit social venture that operates an extraordinary bookstore, provides community programs, and mobilizes passionate volunteers to promote literacy in Chicago and beyond.

Open Books has a MISSION: to enrich lives through reading, writing, and the _________ power of used books. For examples of the kinds of power used books possess, check the left sidebar.

Kevin—who used to work at Barbara’s back in the day—runs the bookstore there, which, based on this one display, must be incredible. More on them in the future . . .

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