
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques International Award for Translation

Where: King Abdulaziz Public Library, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The official announcement of the winners of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques International Award for Translation and opening the nomination period for the 2010 translation awards.

Pursuant to the vision of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, to promote cultural exchange among peoples of the world and to advance intellectual interaction among civilizations, King Abdulaziz Public Library Council approved the establishment of an international award for Translation, carrying King Abdullah’s name. The award recognizes excellence in works of translation, acknowledges translators’ accomplishments, and encourages efforts exerted in the translation industry.

This translation award advocates ideological, intellectual, and cultural dialogue among civilizations and narrows the gap separating nations, as translation is a prominent tool in vitalizing cross-cultural communication. Promoting mutual transfer of knowledge, which is an immediate product of translation, will help nations satisfy this fundamental human necessity of communication and create the ideal environment for understanding, cooperation, and coexistence.

This award traverses all linguistic and geographical boundaries to deliver a message of human understanding, in keeping with the noble goals embraced by Saudi Arabia, goals that are clearly demonstrated by the constant striving of the Saudi people for peace, and the King’s initiatives and appeals for more understanding and brotherhood among nations.

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