
Prepping for Frankfurt and the Publishing Perspectives Show Daily

OK, this is a sort of odd post, and only applies to some of you, but I’m going to fall back on my traditional “screw it, it’s Friday” excuse and just post this anyway . . .

As I’ve mentioned before, at this year’s Frankfurt Book Fair I’m going to spend basically all of my time writing for the Publishing Perspectives Show Daily. I’m really excited about this—it’s fun to interview people, to find interesting things to write about, to spread the word about interesting publishing houses and projects, etc.

Well, to best prepare and make sure we don’t miss out on anything interesting, I’d like to enlist your help. If you a) have a story idea you think Publishing Perspectives would be interested in covering or b) if you have a book/author that you’re going to be pushing hard at the fair, please e-mail me at chad.post [at] rochester [dot] edu. The sooner the better . . . And thanks in advance!

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